Inaction and apathy.


New member
The post "Between a rock and a hard place in Chicago" just got me good and riled up, and I think that this issue needs to be blown out in it's own thread, rather than hijacking another to discuss.

Politicians are not eroding our rights, we are. Gun owners. Gun owners as a group are divided along the lines of their own interests. There are no indications that this is going to change on a large enough scale to do any good any time soon. Without unity, restrictions will continue to snowball unopposed. The laws don't affect a gun owner's chosen interest will eventually destroy ALL gun owner's interests.

Even more shocking is how many gun owners truly don't care. Many are frustratingly ignorant of what is going on around us and how it may affect them. Many have no interest in attempting to change that, choosing simply to wait for the end.

There are far too many that will spend hours a day posturing and pontificating on the internet, but then won't send a short email or letter to a representative because they "don't have time". I don't know about you, but I'm about fed up with the internet commandos.

Gun owners are also a very regional bunch, feeling that their involvment won't have an impact in places they don't live. That's not necessarily true, and it's a sad excuse to avoid voicing support of your rights.

Let's all stop talking about "burying them" or "digging them up" and focus on what can be done to avoid having to hide them in the first place.

Small things you can do:
-Write letters
-Send email
-make phone calls
-Voice your opinion on legislation no matter where it might be. A voice is a voice.
-Be ACTIVE in the NRA (or your choice of organization). Don't just pay for the membership, send letters to the board telling them how you want your money spent.
-EDUCATE. Do what you can at the range or the gun store to draw attention to upcoming legislation or challenges to current laws that NEED GUN OWNER SUPPORT.

So, here's the call out.
Are you politically and legally active regarding the 2A and associated issues?
If so, what do you do and how can others do the same?

Are you inactive?
If so, what are your reasons and why do you think others might feel the same?

No flames. No drive-by posts. No name calling. Intelligent conversation to support/defend your position is the goal here.

It's time to get gun owners together, because each day the clock seems to be ticking just a little louder than the last.
Absolutely - writing your critters, both national and state (and local), letting them know how you feel on issues, is a very important facet of being a responsible citizen, gun owner or not. Best things we can do to help ourselves and our children after voting at every opportunity and joining a gun group are (1) Taking a kid shooting, and (2) writing legislators about anti-gun bills that are introduced.

Excellent posting and right on.
From my own personal experience in TRYING to get gun owners involved in electing pro gun candidates, I can say that your words reflect mine exactly.
Gun owners here just don't care. They talk the talk, but won't budge an inch to walk their talk. Just give a talk at a local gun club monthly meeting about gun owner involvement in fighting for our gun rights, and watch as the zombies give you the blank stare routine. They would rather sit home on the couch watching TV, drinking beer, than lift one finger in support of our gun rights. This is out of my experience, not something I dreamed up. Their excuses for not helping are nausiatingly inane.
My take is they have had life far too easy, and don't have a clue about fighting for their rights.
As Ben Franklin said, if you won't fight for your rights, you don't deserve to have those rights.

Fighting or talking? Which is it?

As Ben Franklin said, if you won't fight for your rights, you don't deserve to have those rights.

Seems like you dilute the word "fight", i.e., limiting it to politely worded letters and calm discussion to our political reps. That is your template for success, with committed gun controllers? Ever call on an issue, only to have an aide hang up on you because "you gun nuts" are clogging up the phone lines?

When the rhetoric becomes a little heated, you're quite ready to chastise "internet commandos", because you perceive the stonger rhetoric will undercut your carefully chosen requests to your political controllers. This is your plea for unity? Namecalling?

The dream of every gun controller, that the gun community would stop at a strongly worded letter, as to the total substance of their "fight". Civil disobedience? Don't mention it! Active resistance? Ban all discussion! Yeah, that's the ticket!

I guess it depends on where you perceive where we are in the struggle.
Just a question, if they can't be motivated to write a letter, what makes you think that they'll participate in insurrection? Shouldn't the former be at least tried before the latter?

That's not it at all.
The point I was making, and I'll "Elmo" it down for people who don't like my rhetoric, is that way too many people are willing to sit and discuss rebellion while not lifting a finger to stop things from getting that far.

I didn't water down the word fight, just tried to point out that it doesn't take a war to get a point across. We need more gun owners to see that.

I'm not saying we should stop at letters, I'm saying that we should START with letters. And no, I've never had an aide hang up on me. Never had a letter unanswered either. Lots of form replies, but never unanswered. That means someone at least saw the topic of the letter and took the time to print a form. Who know's, may have even read it.;)

Sure the name "internet commando" is juvenile, but look around the 'net and see what I'm talking about. Guys who won't even lift a phone to voice an opinion, but then spout off about how the country is going to hell and it's time to start gunning down authority to hell with everyone else. Those are the guys I'm talking about. The lazy trigger-happy dudes who are just gonna sit back and wait for the gunfight, leaving a handful to keep from starting down that path. I've done two combat tours overseas, and beleive me you guys don't want that here.

Hope that's plain enough for you. If it takes suggestions, questions, or down-right juvenile name-calling I'll do what it takes to get people out of the recliners and active in protecting our rights, without waiting to spend ammo to do it.

Back to the question at the bottom of the post though, what do you suggest we do? If you think I'm wrong, that's fine, you're well and truly entitled to that. Tell what your solution is. Where do you stand?

Like I said, discussion is what I'm after. Start giving opinions and ideas and let us all know what you think will help the situation.

By the way, Hammer4nc, I noticed your post count and read through some of your previous posts. I have plenty of respect for someone who thinks before he posts and I can certainly appreciate the sense your posts make.

How about apply that here for my benefit as much as anyone elses? Tell me where in the fight you think we are, and what you think will help.

That's what we all need here, especially in this thread. Ideas.