In time for Christmas lists(Was Levi's anti gun)


New member
What others are there that are contributors?
Sara Lee
Time Warner
Documented proof please as far as orginizations and donations. It would and should prove helpful when selecting Christmas presents. A note to the companies telliing why your business went elsewhere may also be in order.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
I think this is a great idea. Why not start an organization dedicated to informing gun owners about anti gun companies and the products they sell. "Hit em' right in the pocketbook" I heard someone say. Sounds like the most painless way to increase the effectiveness of our voice. I hear Levis has been in decline for years......I wonder why? AAAWWWWW, just breaks my little heart!
Thanks for the list of gun bigots.

As my business hits its annual slow period, I'll have time to send a couple hundred letters, e-mails, and faxes. The list you provided will save me time - therefore I can send more letters to aggravate the bigots! ;)
We have a great start. Right here on TFL is about as good a place as any I can think of. With the Christmas shopping season heating up, why not post questions about stores or comapanies policies' where guns and gun control are concerned? Levis got a bit of a battering, and pretty well deserved, for their support of gun control. Sara Lee and the holiday pastries shoud be absent from most gun owners holiday tables. Time Warner and their anti-gun policy should make gun owners turn the Video around on the shelf, check the maker, and if anti-gun pass on it as a rental. The Christmas season is where retailers and movies make their year financially. Tell Us, the members of TFL who is for us and who is against us. Then we can tell the vendors why we no longer support them,if that is your decision, and will not, as long as they support gun control. Want to spend money to see a movie? How does the star of the movie feel about gun control? Tell the manager of the theater why you won't patronize his theater as long as, say Susan Sarandon is in the movie. Want a CD for Christmas? Check the artists' stance before you ask for it, or give one as a present. On the other side of the coin, if a retailer does come around, remember to thank them for their support. To tell someone you are gone as a customer will lose their attention. To tell them you will not shop there UNTIL,yada,yada gives them a chance to win your business back. Give me names and I will spend a few hours a day looking on the net for links to validate them. I'll give you what I find, minus any commentaries, and let you decide for yourself.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Yes. What I propose is a kind of:
I'm thinking of sending out XXX brand Christmas cards this year, how does XXX stand on gun control.
I'm looking at XXX brand of Team Jacket for store YYY, any idea how they stand on gun control.
Get the info out in the open, let people make up their minds. The K-mart affair did prove one thing, that it is possible to make them listen. The place to start is to get their attention.
Give me names and I will look on the net for possible links. No comments pro or con, just references if they exist. No attempt at slander, just a link to contributions, public statements, sponsorship and whatever else I can find. No private correspondence, everthing I will look for has to be posted here. I've seen the list from NRA, and I use it from time to time when I purchase. Everyone should be aware of this info, and use it as they see fit. No pro or con from me on the content, just the facts as Friday says. Give me names and ask questions. I will give you from 3:00AM until 6:00AM every day from now until Dec 15th.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
AHA! NOW I see what you're saying! And that's a fine commitment of time you're willing to make!

Right now, I don't even have any IDEAS for Christmas presents (argh!) and we have no major purchases planned.

I've already told the family; NO Levi, Sara Lee, or Hallmark products in this house.

Let's see what the other folks come up with!
Instead of focusing on the NEGATIVE... how about a list of the companies that are TFL Approved?

Blackhawk Industries

Just to name a few...
You other shooters have other names you would rather see on your lists. This is just my very short top of the head list. :)

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
American Greetings:

The Sapirstein-Stone-Weiss Foundation, a Cleveland-based family foundation comprised of the owners of the American Greetings Corporation, recently released a statement declaring that it will be directing its family's considerable resources away from institutions that "sow divisiveness among Jews," and toward those more open to religious pluralism. Accordingly, Yeshiva University has been placed on the top of the Foundation's list of institutions to support.

Yeshiva University

Irving I. Stone
Founder-Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Committee, American Greetings Corp.
Respectfully, honestly I mean that, this is a list of I'm not sure where they stand. No focus on the negative or positive. It is meant only as a guide for the benefit of forum members. This is only meant to forestall or headoff a purchase from a pro control group. While I agree that a list of pro gun companies is needed, this thread would only be cluttered by it and confuse the issue.
To Any:
Disrespecfully, and again I mean it, I am sick and f*'ing tired of hearing "Gee!!! Really??? I find it hard to believe that *** is for gun control. I wish I would have known that before I dropped a bundle on their stuff.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited November 30, 1999).]
And didn't Advanced Tactical Firearms actually boycott the Atlanta SHOT show, at their business's expense, due to the city's lawsuit against gunmakers, or was that someone else? Thats a good, principled, gun-friendly outfit there!
NRALife, that list is AWESOME - it's got companies, non-business orgs, and celebs. I cite this as an example of one good thing that NRA does, to the NRA nay-sayers out there. I'm printing it out, and I'm going to keep a copy in the home, pickup, and office 24/7/365!

I am saddened by several things:

1. Jack Lemmon is on the HCI National Committee?! Man I liked that guy.
2. Shania, Terri Clark, Mira, Doug Flutie, Vinnie Testaverde - for shame, all!

On the other hand, it makes life's choices easier: I never again have to debate whether to buy/join/donate money to:

1. Corp. Public Broadcasting (PBS)
2. Amer. Bar Assoc.
3. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
4. GEICO Insurance
5. Earthgrains bread
6. Bon Ami cleaning supplies
7. Levi's Jeans/Dockers
8. James Nutter Investments
9. Sara Lee goodies
10. Sprint - any phone services
11. Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Time

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 30, 1999).]