in these trying times...

Hello all,

A few months ago I called on a few of you to help me in a little venture to shut down the San Antonio Million Mom March, some of you have been added to my email list since then so let me fill you in. Via an internet chatroom and email list backed campaign in the months preceding the gun control march known as the MMM I branched out to various internet chatrooms and instigated a massive email attack on the organizers and their internet bulletin board. It worked, they carried through with the march but had to bus in marchers from Houston to even begin to have a crowd. The email campaign helped to break the anti-gun movements back in San Antonio. It's extremely hard to receive 50-100 pro-gun emails to every supportive email. Once again I have chosen an adversary whose organization Repealthe2nd is a blatant spit in the face to the US constitution and all the things our founding fathers died for.

What I need each of you to do is send a strong pro-gun email to the individual running this board.

His email is...

Now the way to make this work is to disguise your email as a positive one for his org, make the subject line something like i need more info. If you have another email account email from that as an anti-gun person, ask him to send you information on his organization. Give him your address, when it comes if it has a postpaid envelope send it back empty or with a short note that he's been had by the pro-gunners. If the info sent has a toll free number use it from every place possible. Sometimes the best way to kill these organizations is to simply bankrupt them.

After you have done your part via your email please stir the pot, post to any boards you might frequent, foreward this email to others, do all you can to make this a huge effort. How would you feel to open your inbox to 100,000 progun messages when you are an anti. It's time to break this fellows spirit.

Steve "The Gunner" Moody
The gutless mope doesn't answer his email, so this may not work. I've already tried sending him an email about his site, no response. I guess logic disturbs his 'thought' processes.
PoiDog, what Steve is suggesting is not that we inform him of our displeasure of his views but rather give the appearance of agreeing. Solicit him to consume his finacial resorses to send materials to you. Several people have been doing this, with at least a small impact, to HCI for years. Appear in favor of their position so they will spend their dollars on postage to get you their misguided information.


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
I emailed him a while back...still waiting on his response.

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me
