in the stand and its quiet....too quiet


New member

Well its 7:35am and here I sit. Unusually quiet this morning. Not even so much as a squirrel making a sound. Only heard one (very distant) Report so far. Time to kick back and open the deer, my little honey put three pepper flavor in my vest for me this morning :)
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Time to pour a litl of dat Norveegian Pannycake juice out in front of yaw on a 'ol stu'mp. (moe-lasses) Take a pinch or tw'oo of Copenhagen to get by on till noo~on. Save da jerky for the pooch. Don't for'get dat turdy pointer from Min'nee'sota is roeming dis morning. Lykke til_;)
Sitting it out today in lower Michigan. The wind is howling and my son is at work. We are going tomorrow to sit together in my pop up and I told him that I would stay out. The wind is not the best direction anyway. It's going to be 18 degrees in the morning and the Mr. Heather Little Buddy is going in the back pack. If you're still out there, good luck Bredan.
I decided to pack it in around 9:45 when the dogs belonging to the lady behind my hunting property came charging through the brush baying with their noses to the ground....:mad:

After I gave them a three round send off of .44 magnum at the ground in front of them. ;)

Had problems with the same Dogs last year...I believe she may be one of those "murder of our wilderness friends" should be banned at all cost types. Next time it happens I guess I'll just get animal control involved for animals running at large with no vaccine license :rolleyes:
Went out on state land this morning with my dad, grandfather, and his brother with the same quiet windy story. Not even a shot in one of the most popular forests in the state.
Wow that looks like a nice spot!

I really like that set up......looks nice and thick! how high off the ground are you? Where are you hunting there "close to other houses"?
Thanks. My stand is a Sniper II with a 19' seat. The house in question is a good 700 yards away From the barbed wire fence that boarders the very back of the property. The spot is in southern IN, not to far from Bloomington. Pretty densely wooded, with pasture and corn/bean fields at the bottom of the hill. And sandwiched between river bottoms and a big ravine that was logged years ago and is now filled with the unremoved tops.
Well when I put it next to my buddys anniversary edition Winchester 94 They're darn near identical, even barrel and stock length. I've never had a 92, 94 or anything made by Winchester other than shotguns. But they Must be pretty close on design. If 30-30 were legal to use here I wouldn't of probably even bought this one (at least right at this time to use for deer :D) I'd of had my trusty old 336, Indiana....:rolleyes:
I think it was a combination of things. As soon as I walked away from the truck into the woods everything just felt....still. I had to shoo the mules off the narrow trail on the way in (you VERY rarely catch them up in the woods) As soon as I got in my stand and pulled my gear up, right as the sun crested...I could hear a dog barking. Sounded miles away but again, very very rarely do you hear, or have contact of any kind with domestic animals. After the sun came up, no squirrels and hardly no birds either. (very odd for these woods)

Does anyone else get that feeling sometimes that everything is just a little off, and there wont be any deer?
Or the woods are waiting in suspense for that monster Buck of a lifetime to walk by for you to shoot!

Of course, that's just me sitting in a nice warm hotel room in Amarillo writing this, not freezing my tootsies off like you are!
Great picture! Sometimes I forget that deer hunting across or Great Country is so different wherever you go. But that feeling of solitude around dawn & dusk on cold days is universal. Enjoying a simple comfort like a thermos of coffee, a good chew or some jerky never meant so much!

Thanks for sharing...

..bug (in TX):)
I love sitting in a deer stand. A thermos of coffee, a little bag of trail mix, and maybe a sandwich for the mid-morning. Good times.

I once had a lean-up stand that I sat so often that a fox squirrel would come down the tree and share a peanut butter sandwich with me. He'd sit on the limb above my head until I broke out the sandwich, then come down the trunk to get his ration. I didn't know squirrels liked peanut butter!

It freaked him out the day I shot that doe.
Thanks for the follow up pics........nice. I can't wait until my stupid state passes the bill to allow straight walled pistol cartridges in rifles for zone 3 (currently shotgun, muzzle loader, or handgun only). It's been passed by the house and on to several committees but not to the senate yet. All I know is, when it does no more $15.00 per 5 slugs for me........I'll be using a 44 mag too. I have hearded those Rossi levers are darn good guns.
Well if you had someone's loose dogs chasing deer in the area on the 23rd. I doubt you'll see a deer for at least 3-4 days maybe a week even. That's from my experience with them.