In line


New member
For all you muzzleloader hunters out there, whats your choice in a accurate moderately priced, ($500) or so inline muzzleloader, Im in NH so we can go with scopes, 209 primers, etc..

A friend recently purchased a CvA, I cannot advise what model.....Optima or Wolf, but it came w/ scope and is stainless /black synthetic and used 209's. He reports great results with Powerbelt bullets and the powder sticks. I'll get a bit more detail next time we speak.
bamaranger Thanks ahead of time for the info, that is one inline I have been looking at..looking forward to hearing more reports
I'm fairly sure that Bergara makes the barrels for all of CVA's muzzleloaders--if not most of the rifle. Although the powerbelt ELR bullets were specifically made for the Paramount (which I have and is an incredible muzzleloader); they can also possibly give a boost in performance to any in-line.
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CVA Wolf is an excellent choice. I have a friend in western Pennsylvania who hunts deer and bear with his Wolf fitted with a Bushnell 1.5-4.5 scope. It is the only rifle that he owns. 295 grain, 50 caliber Power Belt bullets are his top choice. - Jack
As you all have said there are many options and I think with what is out there I really cant go wrong, thanks for the replies, not quite ready to pull the trigger on 1 but will before too long. I will keep you informed..Always great help from TFL..Thank you
Now that I have done a ton of online homework and looked at other options my horizons have opened up, I am now thinking of a Knight ultralight, I know its considerably more money but its a light 6lb rifle without scope and its a bolt instead of a breakopen which I prefer, any opinions? Pro or Con?
My daughter has a Knight disk, and the disk is about the rifle I don't like. It's kind of heavy, but that tames the recoil. Price was right as well, it was free. Timney triggers and a B&C stock make it pretty decent right out of the box.
I'm still rocking a Thompson Center Omega I bought new back in '05, but my Wife and I purchased our two boys a pair of CVA Optima V2's. When we first took those guns out to the range I was absolutely amazed at the accuracy both of the guns gave. Both of the guns shot roughly a 1.5-2" 100 yard group with 2 pellets of IMR Whitehots and a hand cast .430" RNFP bullet that I cast for my .44 mag setting inside of a Harvester 44/50 crush rib sabot.

If I were in the market for a new muzzleloader, I would be looking hard at an Optima or Accura myself.
After doing a ton of research and reading reviews I have opted for the new Knight ultralight, main reason is its a bolt and not a breakopen, I have read a ton of excellent reviews on the cva but not a fan of the break open, the Knight is a bit more money and I hope I am not disappointed. I really appreciate all the feedback from fellow members here at TFL. I will report back with accuracy results up here in the northeast can be fickle, its been mild so far, fingers crossed, new Knight is due in on 12/30..
I received my new Knight ultralight yesterday and mounted a nikon Buckmaster 6-18x40 just for sight in purposes, have yet to decide on a dedicated hunting scope. Took it to the range with a variety of bullets and some pyrodex pellets, 777 pellets and some loose 777. guess I figured on shooting way more that I did..Well, set up a 3'x3' target at 50 yds, closest my range allows, and fired a few before I got on paper even with manual boresighting, (damn 50 bore is big), finally got on paper, took a couple more to hit the bull using 777 and 250 gr hornady with sabot. Next I took 3 shots at my 100 yd target. I would say without measuring widest spread was 2" by then it was getting kinda late 4pm and a bit chilly so i called it quits. I will be taking it out more on a warmer day and try some other bullets I have aquired but all in all I am already happy with the gun, not bad on recoil for a 7lb with scope muzzleloader..(more reports to come) and pictures when I can figure out how to shrink em..
Can you load "hotter than usual" charges with it since it has a bolt (the Paramount can)? If so, you might want to try the powerbelt ELR bullet and Blackhorn 209.
My dad had a Knight Disc for years and removing the breach bolt was the biggest pain. Besides that there wern't really any problems until he couldn't threat the bolt back in and took it to a gunsmith that tried to gouge him. Ended up not being able to fix it and tried to upsell him a cva. A shot of lube in the barrel and the corrosion cleaned out. It's still a good muzzy but a few years back I ran into a CVA wolf for 99 bucks and had a scope and put the combo together for fathers day. He liked it and shot a few deer with it.

I on the otherhand went for the CVA Optima V2. I was so impressed I bought their handgun model to. It's a real kick in the hand but they're fun guns.

Hope you like your new purchase as I like mine.
Picked up some 250 gr powerbelts and some 250 gr carnivores, the powerbelts shot a bit tighter than the carnivores, so far I've tried 3 different bullets and very good results from all 3, 100gr loose 777
I do have some 300gr and will try them, weather has played a big factor with my past 2 outings, damn wind is cold LOL