In-line cleaning question


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in-line question


I recently purchased a CVA Eclipse in-line rifle. This is my first experience with pyrodex pellets. I always cleaned up with hot water and bore butter in my other muzzleloaders but the book that came with the rifle instructs you to clean it like a cartridge firearm with patches and solvent and lube with grease and oil. Any problem? Thanks
I use Pyrodex Pellets (and saboted JHP bullets) in my Remington 700ML.

I have some presoaked solvent and oil patches from CVA or some similar company. That's all I use. I don't use Borebutter or anything like that.

When at the range, I run a water wetted patch down the barrel every 2-3 shots, followed by a dry patch. For the final cleaning at home, I use a few solvent patches, a bore brush, a solvent patch, brush, solvent patch, etc until clean. Then, I run a couple dry patches through it, followed up by an oiled patch, then another dry patch. After several years of use and hunting (200 shots total), including a couple rainy weekend hunts, the bore is still bright and shiny.

Use triple 7 pellets. They clean up with water and contain no sulphur so their not corrosive. They are made by the hogdon company who make pyrodex.