Looks like I stirred the pot by comparing Smith K series with ISU pistols. I will get mere specific. These two stock revolvers were compared with and deemed equal to Pardidi, Walther and Hammerli by a shooter with two National Championships and a World Cup bronze. The autoloaders were used in higher level matches because of MONEY. When a manufacturer offers gun, suppport for the gun, thousands to use it and thousands in contingincy money for each match....and their gun is good enough, that is enough incentive to go with that manufacturer.
For target work; equal to, not better than.
Back to the main concept, I hold that the average, quality, stock revolver is generaly more accurate than the average, stock autoloader. Of course when they are close, the quality of the shooter will make the difference in the scores. I will include all calibers in that statement.
Sam...I have been wrong but never humble.