in case you were wondering, it is legal.

Remind me to trim my beard before heading down to Texas. Big, tall and hairy seems to be a dangerous combo down there...
Grover Krantz would be pleased if we bagged one. Of course he would be pleased from the grave.

Interesting that the article identified Bigfoot as an invasive species. I am not sure that is the case, if indeed they were real and their purported ancient history of occurence is accurate.
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joking aside I think this stance is wrong

I mean if it exists it surely not an invasive species in the sense of hogs tearing up the place. and if it exists it should by default belong in the us fauna

Surely if it exists it is endangered.

and most likely if it exists it is an Hominidae or similar and we don't hunt them either I would think or hope.
Bigfoot is protected in Washington state. :confused: Therefore it is native and endangered and very real or they would not have a law to protect him. :) That also means that whoever took him to Texas and released him did so illegally thus making him an invasive specie. :D That or someone making laws has a good sense of humor.
+1 for a green card for chewbaca
Need a tag to kill him or is it free game? I wonder what Craig Boddington would suggest for bigfoot. Hmmm.....460 Weatherby or would that be to obnoxious? Aww its Texas, thats the state word, obnoxious. Play it safe and go with the .450 marlin, with a .454 casuall (sp) on your hip.
Wow! To think that somebody from Arkansas can actually spell "obnoxious"! The millennium has arrived!

(Snark, snark, snark.) :D
Husqvarna, that sounds like a bunch of tree-huggin talk to me. He is defending a non-existing myth by saying we shouldnt kill it because its endangered. Tsk Tsk....
Everyone said that giant squid didn't exist, now we all know better.......I think I could get at least a million for a sasquatch carcass......

In the highly unlikely event that I stumble upon one.....It'll get a Mini14 down the gullet.

I can put a star on my Christmas tree with a step stool.
I can put a star on my Christmas tree with a step stool.

I don't think you can make the star stick to the top of the tree with a step stool.

The difference between bigfoot and a wild pig, at least in terms of hunting, is that the pig is classified as an exotic animal. Bigfoot actually has no classification...yet. It will after rickyrick kills the last know specimen (first as well).
Need a tag to kill him or is it free game? I wonder what Craig Boddington would suggest for bigfoot. Hmmm.....460 Weatherby or would that be to obnoxious? Aww its Texas, thats the state word, obnoxious. Play it safe and go with the .450 marlin, with a .454 casuall (sp) on your hip.
In Jersey we just use a .22. Up close and behind the ear. Nice and quiet with little mess.