I personally would not fire lap a barrel on a rifle that shoots reasonably well already. That would be reserved for one that I could not get to group at all, as a last resort before replacing the barrel. The risk of damage or making accuracy worse is too great IMO to use it on one that just needs some minor tweaks. Since fire lapping is abrasive, you can certainly overdo it and damage the barrel.
Have you tried several different loadings in the rifle? If you're not reloading I'd suggest shooting as many different loadings as you can get your hands on, you're likely to find one or two that are clearly more accurate than the others. Free floating the barrel might help but might make it worse so be prepared to add some contact back to the fore end. It's always seemed to me that Remingtons liked a little forend pressure as often as not. Then I'd look into glass bedding next, if it's done properly I've yet to see it reduce accuracy.
Basically if the rifle shoots decent now you want to do small things, one at a time so you can see what works. Sometimes simply re-torquing the action screws makes a big difference.
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