Improving non projectile weapons?

I think any "improvement" would lead to cahrges of carrying an illegal consealed weapon.

In Alambama and Mississippi, even a loaded (i.e. lead filled) cane is illegalweapons, as are blackjacks, saps, bowie knives, and slungshots.

Pesonally speaking, if I can't handle them with a good hickory cane, I will draw and fire.

(BTW, my hickory cane has a sharp striking edge, and a sharply pointed crook. CaneMasters also has available a sawtoothed striking edge that is really wicked.)

Doc Hudson
Was not talking about legalities for CCW. But what improvements could be made.

With firearms we will probably see electrochemical propellents replace regular gunpowder sooner or later since you can get higher velocity that way. Unless railguns become practicale for small arms.
Bugei L-6 Bainite Katana

"The Bainite Katana is made of a special purpose low-alloy steel. It is very resistant to bending, to the point of near unbreakability. These blades can be made lighter and thinner and still remain stronger than conventional steel or 1086. The blades are also springy rather than soft, they will flex more than a normal blade, but the shape will not be altered. These blades are excellent for tameshigiri as well as general sword work." Modern alloys and techniques (well not so much modern as "not ancient") to make what is arguably the ultimate katana. Forget the days of folding steel (unless you like that kind of thing, want a certain finish, or just have a lot of time) or gimmicky notions of making ceramic-titanium-industrial diamond swords... this sword has all the best properties of a katana in spades! :D (aside from edge retention... probably one of the least important factors for an effective katana) Yum.

I know this thread's not about legalities, but damn do they put a cramp on the designing process. The Tales of the Gun episode about "Magnificent Failures" and "Gun Oddities" showed all sorts of crazy gadget guns... granted most of them might not be practical, but every now and then a gem's gotta appear.

My own submission... I dunno, practical and stylish armor? Both defensive, offensive, and legal? So far for me, that's limited to steel tipped boots (protection from having my leading foot stomped on) and leather coats... but I'm fairly naked in the Summer. ;) Maybe if the 80's return and Goth becomes mainstream, chains, gauntlets, spikes, and pads all come back... but then God help us all!
I heard about how if you fasten something pointy to the end of a stick, it forms an improved model stick. The inventor refers to it as a "spear."

I'm rather partial to Japanese-style armor in kydex (with silk and/or kevlar weave?). Lightweight, slash AND bullet resistant.
I think a good way to look at this in a broader perspective is to ask "What types of damage exist and how are they inflicted?", go crazy combining them, finally "test" them (whether in the field, court of public opinion, or an imaginary space).

Of course, I'm too lazy to come up with a list right now (I'm on lunch, gimme a break!)... but if anyone else wants to we can begin experimenting. Mwhahaha! ;)

The other approach is to view "improvement" as asking the question "What do you need?" The answers can come in defining characteristics like: legal (!), concealable, practical, effective, etc. Certainly less defined than the first approach, but the contraints can help you think along the "Top 10" lists of Most Effective Weapons, Most Concealable Weapons, etc.

For my part, being in an office, I want a really good Fighting Pen! :D I'm talking a 7.5" platinum (or lead) weighted throwing spike with a tungsten-carbide core (possibly an OTF shiv) and penetrating point and venomous ink! Hmm... is it legal to fatally poison in self-defense? ;) Now I've just gotta find room on board that pen for a laser torch, micro grenade, and knockout gas/flamethrower! A true pocket protector! [groan]