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New member
No question that anyone who contacts an elected rep is recorded as a "gun nut" or "crackpot" or worse...

If you care to visit and find the "Pearson" decision, it is good for a laugh and more.

In this decision a 3 judge panel on the Fed Appeals court "beat up" the Clinton people pretty good. And it is about health... Now who is against health (you don't want to know-- the drug companies).

O.K. You contact your elected reps and ask them what they are doing about this situation, never hurts to quote the court, most of them are lawyers and get real squirrelly, "abuse of power" etc... And ask them to report to you and oppose this government agency run amuck...

Then they have to take you out of the one catagory [GUN NUT/CRACKPOT] and refile you into a bigger catagory "concerned citizen who is at times a gunnut/crackpot..." Not hard to do with computers, AND your credibility with the other issues --you really think any congresspersons want to be unhealthy?-- that credibility rubs off on all issues, even gun related... good luck.
I tried to go to the site via the link provided and got an error message. Is it correct?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
It may be that I'm recorded as a gun nut or crackpot. However, I have regularly gotten polite, rational replies to most of my letters.

However: I keep it to one page. I am polite. I give specific reasons for my beliefs, opinions or observations. I also agree with whomever that there are serious problems in this country with the misuse of guns. I politely offer conceptual solutions.

I NEVER write a letter of the type "Dear Sir, You Cur!"...
