Improper use of the Iscoceles hold...

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Jim March

New member

"Some people are put on this world purely as an object lesson to others..."


The weird thing is, he wouldn't have been as bad off if he'd used a Weaver hold. Something would still hurt afterwards (this much stupid is supposed to hurt!) but the basically assymetical Weaver would have put most of the power back past his face instead of right into it.

Which is why guys shooting handcannon-class revolvers prefer the Weaver hold.

Problem here though is without being able to put his strongside hand behind the grip (because it's a friggin RIFLE!) he wouldn't have been able to do a real Weaver hold. But even "Weaver-oid" would have helped.
Doesn't look like an exceptionally high-powered rifle. I mean, it's not a .577 T-Rex, right?

Can't quite identify the rifle (lousy video). It's not a lever-action .30-30, not a bolt action .30-06--what is it?

Regardless, I think he owes his firearms instructor a kick in the pants. Ooops...he obviously didn't have one.

Oh well, I didn't have any formal instruction in motorcycle riding when I started around 1970. Somehow I survived, and I'm still riding, 66 bikes and 41 years later.

But in it's wake have come a number of scars/broken bones/aches and pains (and a bunch of damaged/destroyed bikes) to show for it...

Guess in many things in life, you get what you pay for. :D
LMAO.....what a moron! Got what he deserved......what'd he think was gonna happen......You can't fix stupid!
Ya know it takes a really special person to look at the recoil pad on a rifle and think its to protect your face.:p
Wonder what the fool told the doctor when he went to have his jaw wired.

If one wants to shoot a rifle unconventionally, the best way is simply shoot from the hip, surpringly accurate too.

Once saw an archival film of a lady who put her back to the target, put a rifle over one shoulder and with the other hand held a mirror, and shot bull's-eyes...her name...Annie Oakley.

That is hard to watch, and one of the purely dumbest things I've seen in a while. I'll give the man credit for one thing, though: he did manage to keep the rifle pointed downrange after it hit him.

Given the body language before he pulled the trigger -- the dramatic gestures and those strange little hops -- one wonders how much alcohol he had on board.
Belongs in a "Jackass" movie

This guy is an orthodontists wet dream.
"ah, Dr. so&so, can i get some dentures made?"
"We'll want to take a mold of your teeth first"
"Ah, okay, let me pull them out of the butt of my rifle and i'll be right over..."
Darwin Awards nominee maybe,,,

Were his last words,,,
"Hey man, hold my beer."

Actually I'm wondering something,,,
Am I the only TFLer who has fired a rifle one-handed?

Shucks fellas,,,
We all did this at least once when we were kids.

I did it with a British .303,,,
What was your rifle?

I did it with a British .303,,,
What was your rifle?

Savage bolt action rifle, 22 caliber.

Rifle No 5 Mk I Lee-Enfield No 5 Mk I, (Jungle Carbine) That wasn't a good idea.

M1 Garand, a little heavy but handled it just fine, 200 yard group was really bad.

Winchester 20 gauge shotgun, not hurt but I won't do it again.

The above over 30 years ago.

Mossberg, bolt action. Model 183KE .410. Used #6 shot yesterday because the neighbors cat was on my feeder and it always takes off running if I shoulder a gun. It was a lot easier than shooting my 44 mag or 41 mag.
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