Imposter LEO's


Just to reply to Sendec's reply... Check this out, with link and story:

Disguised man rapes woman in Eugene

Barometer Staff Report

OSU’s department of public safety sent an e-mail to faculty advising prudence following a rape in Eugene.

The victim was stopped by a black and white Chevrolet Caprice, a police report said.

The victim described her assailant, who impersonated a police officer, as a white male in his late teens or early 20s.

Public safety gave the following advice in case one is stopped by a person they believe is impersonating a police officer;

• Ask for ID

• Request a supervisor

• Remain in your locked car and call 911

• Pick a police station or well lit place to stop

• Use hand signals to acknowledge their presence

•Be familiar with the appearance of Oregon State Police, Corvallis Police, and Benton County Sheriff's deputies.

Authorities added that the event is not a reason to disobey the lawful orders of police officers.

Sendec's commits that I have a problem with:

Are they stealing kidneys, too?

So mr. Sendec, these things just don't happen now do they? :rolleyes:

This happened here in Eugene, OR. I've actually seen the car down by my work, I called the tip line on it. I did my duty and am still looking for the car since it came toward the area that I live.

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What's the deal with closing threads here? Why do we need to confirm something is true just to have a discussion on it. I can tell you that here in northern Virginia there have been many instances in the last few years of fake LEO trying to stop people for the purpose of rape and robbery.

I find it amusing that the administrators here rely on news articles to confirm stories, must believe everything they hear in the news...
I find it amusing that the administrators here rely on news articles to confirm stories, must believe everything they hear in the news...

<ruffled feathers mode on>

TFL MADE the bar for Responsible Firearms Ownership Internet Forums and then raised that bar really really high. TFL is what some forums use as a model.

Yes we have had "Blue Light Rapists" in my area, and these imposters have re-surfaced from time to time.

I did provide a link in my postings back when, this link was not only used for the sharing on forum, also for LEO to use in researching how respective Depts may need to consider changes in their Depts.

Even tho these occurences may not be happening to their Jurisdictions, they might.

References are also used by Training groups to gain insight for training students - like cvilians...female civilians.

So no it is NOT to much to ask for cite and clarification to a news takes the reponsiblity to make sure of accurate reporting ; i.e. Pro-gun vs Anti-Gun - and then use said references to properly educate with true and correct.

This is how the bar was raised - what keeps it so.

This goes along with what my reply was on the closed thread. According to this report...One (1) rape happened with an imposter cop and there was a response from the LE and the newsgroups. Now in Florida, there have been several, including the murder/rape(?) of a child...and no LE response or newsgroups responding? While I can see this stuff happening, but not without an immediate response. The closed thread smelled way to much of Urban Legend...the old, "hey, you dropped this $100 bill on the ground" trick thingy.
Again, I would be suprised if this really happened...with a murdered child involved?? Possibly raped before being murdered? I would think that this would be all over the Natl. news for weeks!!!, hell, a kid falls into a hole for a few hours and he is a celebrity for 2 days!
My point of information was that if anyone is ever pulled over by an unmarked police car...simply call PD to verify, i should add...before opening the door or rolling down the window.
More "internet" proof: ;)

September 30, 2005

Cop Impostor Rape

By Cathryn Stephens

Eugene -
We're learning more about a rape case from earlier this week and what we're finding out is very disturbing.

The question now is why Lane County Sheriff's officials waited two days before telling the public, the attack involved a man, impersonating a police officer. Investigators are still looking for that suspect.

The attack happened early Monday morning, but Sheriff's officials waited to release information about the case until late Wednesday morning. Even then, the information was vague and Lane County Sheriff Russ Berger says more details probably should have been released.

"We have to balance the need to apprehend the suspect with the public safety," said Berger, who is defending his investigators' decision to wait to tell the public about the rape early Monday morning along Irving Road.

It involved a suspect who pulled a woman over using a blue or red flashing light, in a vehicle that looked like a police car.

"When it became clear that we weren't going to get the suspect immediately, that's when we released the information for the public's safety," said Berger.

The information in that release was vague, describing only the suspect, but giving no details about what had happened, including the fact that this case involved an attacker who was impersonating a police officer.

"Certainly there could have been more information and I think that it probably would have been appropriate to meet with the reporters and explain exactly what the situation was," said Berger.

The suspect is described as a white male in his late teens to early 20's, shorter dark hair and a thin build. The vehicle is described as a black-and-white Chevrolet Caprice, possibly an old police cruiser.

"I think that the people that would be upset need to know that it's not like we held the information here. All of the police agencies here were aware and were actively looking for this vehicle and this suspect," said Berger.

Sheriff Berger says investigators have no information on who the suspect is or could be and are asking for the public's help. Investigators are tracking about 200 tips that have come in so far.

And another

Police seek possible witness to alleged rape

EUGENE (AP) — Police in Eugene want to speak with a driver who may have witnessed a man impersonating a police officer rape a woman in the Santa Clara area.

The alleged assault occurred in the early morning hours of last Monday, Sept. 26, when the impersonator persuaded the woman to pull over her vehicle.

The woman, who was then beaten and raped, told investigators that a vehicle drove by during the assault, Lane County Sheriff Lt. Randy Smith told The Register-Guard newspaper of Eugene.

The attacker's car appeared to be a four-door Chevrolet Caprice from the early 1990s with white doors and roof and black hood and trunk, resembling an old or retired police car.

Sheriff Russ Burger, who attended the news conference, said the bogus police car doesn't resemble any vehicles currently in use by local officers.

The woman's attacker is described as a white male in his late teens or early 20s, with shorter dark hair and standing 5-feet-9-inches tall with a thin build.


I don't wish this to become a LEO bashing thread, I just wanted to show to members that it does and can happen and jokes about kidneys are not right when it is a problem that can happen.
I'm not saying that the news is a perfect source of data--we all know it's not. But abusing a poster for quoting a news story from a "reputable source" is silly.

If it's a quote from a tabloid that's easily proven false, that's one thing, but, IMO, if a person quotes accurately from a reputable news source they've done their homework and snide remarks are NOT in order.

Don't blame Denny.

The Police Imposters in Florida thread was shut down because they couldn't prove the point. Denny may have thought that I brought this one up because of that fact, but I did so because of Sendec and his acting as if things like this doesn't happen and that the LEO's (fake or not) must be going after kidney's also (the old tale of the guy waking up with a note on his chest saying that he should call the ER/Hospital because he has no kidneys and he's in a bath full of ice, tale and busted).

So I thought that I could justify the original intent of the other thread to prove that yes, it does happen and that sendec was wrong and for him to explain his off handed "discord" of the subject in general.
