Imported arms and accessories banned by Executive Order?

Great article !!! Too bad we didn't read it in the Washington Post or the NY Times or the WSJ..... lol... yeah right... so much for the Right to free speech. You have it only if you own the presses.

The Congress needs to repeal the war powers act , which gave the presidents the E.O. in the first place. Yeah right !

Just disgusted ... have so little left , perhaps its time to use it or lose it!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
I read a little while ago about a bill or two that was introduced to help reduce the overuse of EO's, and also to reduce the "bite" that they have...can't remember anything else though.

Anyone know of any such bills? How can insidious EO's be dealt with (i.e. repealed)?
Well, I'd say we OUGHT to be able to challenge them in court. Since the Constitution gives the President the authority to see the laws faithfully executed, not enact whatever laws he wants with the stroke of a pen. The problem is, the only real limit on a President's power is the willingness of Congress to remove him if he gets out of line... So we happen to live in a dictatorship right now, and for who knows how much longer. (I'm not taking any bets that Clinton really intends to leave office on schedule.)
I'm taking to the streets if Bill figures out a premise to have himself installed as president for life (or even 4 more years).

EO's are the biggest load of BS that has ever been shoved on an ususpecting people (maybe naive would be a better term). "Executive Branch" as in "executes" the law, not legislates. I can't understand why congress doesn't reassume it's full duties as the sole legilative body.
I was just on the White House website and there was nothing there yet. Did you know that Clinton has created, by executive order, an "Arms Control and Disarmament Agency" ? What the hell!?! This is BLATENTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

All of this is unconstitutional, and MUST BE STOPPED! If the news of a ban on all imported weapons and ammo comes to pass, this means no more HKs, no more SIGs, no more Walthers, Benellis, Taurus', Rossis, etc.

The NRA (and the cowardly Republican party, if they hope to maintain any kind of majority) had better do something about this, or I'll mail them my shredded membership card. This is treason. Anyone with any power to try and stop this who doesn't is guilty if treason. I'm firing off calls, letters, and e-mails, starting now - I won't be guilty.

We're losing here, guys. If this is allowed to stand, I'm afraid that further arguments over RKBA will be largely academic. The only way to regain our rights will be through violence.

I don't want to lose my rights, and I don't want an armed (terrorist, of course, in the eyes of the media) rebellion. We must win this fight. We must put an end to these illegal executive orders. Once they become ingrained within the government, it will be too late.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited May 17, 1999).]
Sez Morgan:
All of this is unconstitutional, and MUST BE STOPPED!

I agree, certainly, but... how?

The grubbymint doesn't care about violating our nation's governing document. By all means, write, call, and fax the traitorous rat-bastards... but don't expect any more results than we've gotten so far.

Working within the system and protesting peacefully accomplish nothing. Never have, and never will. For example, Tiananmen Square. Or closer to home, Kent State. If you piss off the rulers, they kill you, plain and simple.

Not that I'm advocating violence, you understand... but when any animal is pushed far enough, it pushes back, and I think/hope that the true Americans (that is, those who believe in the Constitution) haven't yet lost the will to fight.

If gun control worked, then Washington DC,
Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago
would be the safest cities in the world.

Can you give a web site that talks about this?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Did you know that Clinton has created, by executive order, an "Arms Control and Disarmament Agency" ?[/quote]


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
John - I guess I jumped a little too high when I saw "Arms Control and Disarmament Agency." Turns out they're for international disarmament, which is bad, but perhaps not so sinister.

I really want to know more about this new EO. Will it really forbid improrts of all foreign made arms and ammunition? Is this why Walther is having Smith & Wesson make a virtual clone of the P99 for them? I want details, man! Anyone know where to find them?

I wrote Geoff and ask him for a reference or site for the text or even an EO number.

I'll let you know of any results I recieve.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
There is a treaty in the works with the U.N. that if ratified by the Senate, yes the same group that gave us background checks at gunshows, will outlaw the private ownership of ALL firearms in the U.S.
Only the Senate can ratify treaties, and you are not allowed input. It would be done behind closed doors. This treaty would also put us under U.N. control, IE one world government. If I understand it correctly, they don't even have to tell us they're doing it until it is a done deal.
If this happens, we gun owners will be in the same boat as the Kosovars. Sinking rapidly and no lifeboats.
Paul B.

Where did you hear this from? If it's true, do you know when we would hear about it's passage and acceptance?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Yes, yes, yes...please verify with a source...I HAVE to know more about this.

Geez, I mean, would they REALLY be THAT stupid as to think that we'd all sit idly by while they ban ALL firearms in one fell swoop? I know that the majority of Americans probably would, being the sheeple that they are, but from my standpoint, there'd be hell to pay.

Been eyeing a Mini-14 lately...perhaps I'll just make that (and more!) purchase sooner rather than later.

God (or substitute your favorite deity, or put "none") help us all.