Important enough for me to come out of my semi-reirement

Well, there's only one thing to do to foozle the FEC thugs:

Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE with a net connection in the US start posting political opinions and supporting candidates and issues. Doesn't even matter who or what they are.

Show the scumbags that they can't suppress opinions.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Sorry, but I don't understand the problem, as to the rules in general. The rules might need to be changed, but they were generally known before "The Net".

I can see the Bush concern. The site was indeed a parody, which is fine. However, the way it was setup, it looked like a "real" Bush site, which is the sort of thing which confuses a lot of people. Had it been a little more obvious via its name, no problem...
We'll I post on the net what I want, when I want. No Frggin gov gona tell me what I can or can't say. This falls under the caption of censor. They are trying to do away the the little voice... who now with the internet has as big a voice as their big $$$'s. I think they are finally realizing that the sheeple are leaving the TV for the net and are starting to get other opinion's besides what they are being spoon fed. They must put a stop to this at once, or maybe the sheeple will wake up.

Take the 2nd for an example... two years ago I very seldom met anyone who had more than a basic understanding of the history of it. Today... I'd say maybe one in 50 not only knows the history, but can quote it for you.


The debate is not about guns, but rather who has the ultimate power to rule, the people or government.
Dear Mr. Bookie;

I think you have it exactly right! Many politicians and the media are attempting to do almost the same thing with campaign finance reform. The media promotes anyone (republican or democrat) who is behind campaign finance reform. The reason is simple......if they can silence your voice or seriously weaken your ability to join with other people who, together, would then have the spending power needed to have a political voice, then the only people left that have a free unfettered voice would be the media. The media's control would be almost complete if they have campaign finance reform pass the house and senate.

Now there's this pesky little thing known as the internet that they have to deal with. Ever notice how a lot of coverage of the internet is very negative of the medium? One news report had a supposed psycologist state that the internet was bad for mental health and that they should be watching TV or something instead.....never mind that the internet is a two way medium where people interact with one another and Television is a one way street right into your mind! Television is way more harmfull than the internet. End of discussion on that account!!

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - And hand the gun grabbing democrats a sure win! Don't be fooled! The Republicans are your best bet until the democratic party is destroyed!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited July 29, 1999).]
Frank brings up a good observation:

The media subtly and not so generally plays the Internet as a (save the kids), political/religious extremists (save the gov't), gambling and get-rich schemes (save the fools), hackers (save the gov't and Corporations).
What isn't negative is generally shown as something cute or a lark or humorously goofy....something not necessary or particularly constructive.
I have never seen anything on TV informing say...the URL for Congress to observe legislative activity, etc.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Wow! Talk about "timely"!

I just turned off CNN. Their "article" had to do with the inability of parents to shield their poor children from pornography on the Internet.

A girl said the boys at school can tear down computers and put them back together. These boys pass around lists of "bad" sites and exchange how to get around the "safeguards" that parents try to use to protect their children.

The solemn voice stated something to the effect that, "No child will be safe from this danger until laws are passed to protect the children." (That's as close to a quote as I remember.)
I think the government is getting ready to somehow close the internet down or at least only allow pro govenment views. You guys are correct. The truth does get out on the internet and shortwave,but it will be easier to control the internet than the shortwave radio. Shortwave is really where the "enemies of the state " reside. I enjoy the internet for various reasons and would hate to see it follow the way of the newspapers and TV and AMFM radio which every intelligent person knows are government run. Shortwave will be the last holdout of free expression . Just my opinion.
The recent shooting in Atlanta played heavy in the local paper on the involvement of the internet. The scum-bag shooter was reportedly "A heavy computer user, that spent a lot of time by himself." Gotta keep those subliminal cuts running.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 31, 1999).]