Impact Of The Obama European Showboat Trip?


New member
Just mere days ago the liberal press was touting Obama's European trip as a huge success. Obama portrayed himself as a citizen of the world. Said all of the rights things about a new era of cooperation with Europe. Why even the French liked him! Some (even here) said it was a brilliant political move and thought that McCain really missed the boat (pun) by not having the idea himself.

Well since his return Obama's poll numbers have fallen and are now in a dead heat with McCain. By most predictions Obama's numbers should have gone through the roof. Why the opposite?

I think many Americans saw the trip just as I indicated, a show trip with no real substance. Domestic issues are what's important, and most people want a President of the US, not a citizen of the world leading this Country. Now I agree that Obama's move to the center makes him look more like McCain each day, and that doesn't help his numbers either.

What are your thoughts?
I think the Obama is going to slowly decline in the polls. Most of his own party will eventually abandon him because of his race combined with the fact that McCain is fairly liberal himself.

I think ultimately what we will see is that race trumps all other concerns, even for liberals.
I don't get it.

You mean Americans don't like being told they have to elect the "right" kind of Presidents if they want to be liked by the Europeans?

I wouldn't have figured that.

I think a lot of Obama's slump in the polls is from simple explanations.

People are seeing him for the regular old liberal with the same old ideas, not "change".

And I think the Democrats are being beat up over this drilling business. Look for them to cave rather than risk losing the election over this. And I think if they don't change their position on drilling, they could lose.
The most recent poll I saw was Obama 48 McCain 40.

Not quite a dead heat. A large part of Obama's trip was to get American's living in Europe involved in the election. I have read any numbers on how successful the trip was in that manner, but it couldn't have hurt.

As with everything in American politics it's the media that decides what works and what doesn't. They seem to be split on this. Once they get their heads together they'll tell us what to believe.
The most recent poll I saw was Obama 48 McCain 40.

Where are you getting those numbers? Most are showing a dead heat. A clear change from two weeks ago.

As with everything in American politics it's the media that decides what works and what doesn't.

I guess you are joking, but I kinda thought the people voting had something to do with what works and doesn't work. Like Harry said when he held up the paper saying Dewey Wins "I guess they forgot to tell the American people".:)
I think some Americans are insulted by the fact that in the middle of a very important campaign, only a few months away from election, Obama is pandering to NON-AMERICAN citizens. It makes him look like less of an American to me, and to others, I think.
I don't see him as pandering to europeans. In fact I think it would be good for the president to try to be friendly with them.

Its a little unfair to think they will help us out when we would like, if don't at least treat them nicely and include them in discussions. Don't you think they might have been a little more cooperative in Iraq if we had included them more in discussion and decision making?
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Gallup daily tracking poll.

Went to your link. It says Obama 47% McCain 43%.....not 48/40??

Anyway, if you look at the average of the top six polls, then it comes out close.

The real point is that you would have thought there would have been a surge after the Europe trip, but clearly not. That's telling...IMO.
Given that Europe isn't too keen lately on cheering for our side, like wanting to turn us into a socialist 4th rate economy with no firearms rights and no world power, we should generally take what they want and do the opposite.
we should generally take what they want and do the opposite.

I am ok with that also, but if you do that then please don't bitch when we ask them for something, such as help in Iraq or help with the war on terror, and they say no.

You can't have it both ways.
This same topic came up at work . Alot of Dems. and Reps. did not appreciate the fact that Obama didn`t visit our troops that where hospitalized over there. Then a statement came from Obama camp that he didn`t visit troops cause they(Obama camp) felt it would make him(Obama) look as though trip was mostly political. Statement didn`t go over well with some people as I work with alot of G.I`S. There`s a time to put politics aside,not care what people think and do whats right. Right would have been to visit G.I`S. IMO people are starting to see Obama for what he is.
The Impossible Dream

such as help in Iraq or help with the war on terror, and they say no.

France or Germany to can we lose something that was never attainable in the first place?

Especially France. Wouldn't that mean they would have to pickup their rifles up off the ground and load them, and then........Ok, I am sorry for the cheap shot.:p
I am ok with that also, but if you do that then please don't bitch when we ask them for something, such as help in Iraq or help with the war on terror, and they say no.

Their help hasn't been worth much since WWII (and the French helped the Germans on that occasion). I really doubt even England will go with us next time. Which is OK.
This is new and addresses the issue of Obama hitting the ceiling.

Democratic gains in party registration to the high levels of economic anxiety, Obama should have a healthy lead by almost every measure. Yet, in poll after poll, Obama conspicuously fails to cross the 50-percent threshold.

ABC News Polling Director Gary Langer asked, “If everything is so good for Barack Obama, why isn’t everything so good for Barack Obama?”
I think ultimately what we will see is that race trumps all other concerns, even for liberals.
I have a racist problem with Obama, and that's his history of anti-white racism and pro-black bias.

However, due to the presence of a large number of white guilt PC far lefties and the compliance of the utterly PC-twisted MSM, Obama's race has been his biggest asset. If he was white, he'd be completely off the radar, a worthless candidate.
My MIL was a huge Obama fan until his Berlin speech. After that she decided he didn't really want to be President of the United States as much as he wanted to be King of the World. Now she's going to write in "Hillary." While that may not directly translate to a vote for the good guy it does serve to split the Dems.
Given that Europe isn't too keen lately on cheering for our side, like wanting to turn us into a socialist 4th rate economy with no firearms rights and no world power, we should generally take what they want and do the opposite.

X2. Europe wants a weaker America so we are just another country and they will have less competition. They resent us as a world economic and military power. They want Obama to win because he will turn us into the same socialist, mediocre country that they are.
First off, France and Germany were both benefitting from the relationship with Saddam and the Oil for Food Program. They didn't want that gravy train to end. Thus, it wouldn't have mattered how much we pandered to them, they would have provided nothing but luke warm, arm's distant support for the Iraq invasion.

Secondly, most of the rest of Europe (excluding France, Germany, the UK) is extremely weak, militarily, and couldn't do much even if they wanted to. The Poles cooperated very well, as much as they could.

Third, not only was it Obama's "I'm the likely world president, in addition to being a world citizen" speech that caused his support to drop. It's saying stupid things such as, "If we all inflate our tires properly, we can save as much as they are talking about drilling for". Who can take a dumb donkey like that seriously, especially as a candidate for the most powerful position in the world? He's a rube, and that fact is starting to percolate with many americans who "wanted" to support him because he was a fresh, new, face, talking about change. Now they know he just wants to change to more leftist, liberal, policies. That doesn't resonate very well with many americans.