Immediate result of Denver: Ohio tables CCW


New member
Yep. Dead as the proverbial doorknob. Rep. Hood was met with "This is not the time or place to introduce this" as he addressed the legislature yesterday. HB 23 is officially done.
Lets get real for a second. This is EXACTLY the time for this. This is exactly the place for this. Where else would a bill be addressed but in the legislature? The corner bar? If all the guns in the world were to disappear tomorrow what would happen? Utopia or hell on earth? All the coverage of Denver centers around the guns. What about the explosives? Where did they get those? The corner Wally World? Take away the guns from everyone and what would happen? These vermin would turn to some other means. The killing would continue, at a much higher rate, and impact much younger people. These misfits went after the source of their supposed torment. They used guns. Without guns, they would have gone after weaker targets, or have used other means. Possibly a car driven through a crowd. Remember that? That was the vogue some 20 years ago. This is not about guns, it's about hate for the sake of hate.

Brett. Principled Politician. Hell that's an oxymoron. But then again, so is Political correctness.

Paul B,

So, do you think that HB 23 or 165 have any chance at all. Or, has the proverbial snowball melted away yet again. BTW, I wrote my Rep. and he wrote me back stating that he was whole-heartedly in favor of HB 165 as introduced. I almost fell off my chair when I read the letter. Wonder where he stands now. Time to write another letter!
Kittle and all other OH members---yes, write, call, fax, and write some more. HB23 may be gone, but you still have HB165...

Look what happened here in CO (see Morgan's thread--"Colorado gun bills tabled"...we were so close!!!!

Don't let the same thing happen in OH!