IMI M-1 Carbines


New member
I saw the post about a failure to fire in batery, definantly sounds like a headspace problem. Had an OLD mini-30 that had the same problem. I have a M-1 that is WWII vintage, my grandad carried it in the Pacific and he gave it to me. I do not want to fire it as it is obviously very old. I am looking at the Israeli Military Industries model as the are SUPPOSED to have excellent quality at a decent price. Are they any good and does the match grade barrel come standard or what. I can pick one up for about 300 bucks with 2 15 round mags. Is this a good deal or what??
Anybody have a recommendation for the M-1 carbine from another place at about the same price???

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
i posted the article ref to a Israel Arms International carbine possibly firing out of battery. I sent the gun back to the factory last week. I spoke to the gunmith today. he told me they would look at the gun this pm. He also said that they would repair or replace the gun no questions.I was told I should have it back by the end of this week.

Over all the guns quality and apperance looked great. I am hoping it was just a minor glitch.The lowest price i have seen on these guns has been $425 in the box. I have seen them as high as $550.
Who did you get yours from, I am interested in the match grade barrel.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
The barel came with the gun. Guns and weapons for law enforcment recently had a great article on this rifle. It would be worth it to check it out

I have a WWII era M-1 carbine that supposedly saw service inthe Korean War. it shoots great. If there's nothing wrong with your Grandad's gun, it should shoot fine. You might want to have it checked out by a good gunsmith tjust to be sure.

I will not fire the relic as it has a break in the stock, reportedly from cracking a Japanese soldier over the head.

I cannot find Guns and Weapons for law enforcement anywhere, WHO did you order it through and do they have a website or a # to get a catalog from????

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
I got it at barns and nobles. It is the Nov 1999 issue. The magazine is published by harris publications. If you want e-mail me your adrees and ill send the article to you