
long rider

New member
Hey guys, is our thread getting a little thread bear
or are we takeing a rest?:confused:.
Anyway can you imagine all the guys on this forum
all meeting up for one big smoke off, can you imagine
that, i know that it will never happen, its just fun to
think all the smoke and the booms, and checkout each
others guns, and meet. Hey we are all on the sme ship.:D
Where to hold it?

Some deep valley somewhere, with no wind. Thousands of smokepoles and six-shooters going off. Forest Service would go nuts at the 'Wildfire' in progress! :D:rolleyes:

The Doc is out now. :cool:
The most BP shooters gathered at one time, that I know of or have been part of, is at Winchester Va. at the N-SSA spring and fall Nationals, held every year. The firing line has to be almost a half mile long, or more. the smoke is incredible on a windlass day. The sound of all them muskets firng at one time, is a BP shooters joy. You have to be part of it or winess it.

Rebel Dave (still unreconstructed)
Speaking of sounds......

A hot firing line is something to hear alright.......not the sounds you normally hear in the movies...........another experience is to be in the "pits" pulling targets at a rifle match. When you hear "pfft" of the bullet hitting the paper followed instantly by a "CRACK" and then a faint "boom" from the firing line, with an occasional "whiizzz" of a round tumbled by a low hit on the berm, or the "ziiiing" of one that hits a rock.......then multiply that by 10..20...30... as the case may be, you begin to wonder how ANYONE could get up the nerve to charge a line of riflemen......
yep that would be something:rolleyes:.
I went to the range this morning, wont be long now
and i will be a prisoner indoors, because it gets to hot
here in the desert. I took my 36 remmy, shot about 60
balls with 22 grns of 777, i got to talking with this guy
he was shooting a flintlock, he was telling me of this
muzzle club, its called the muzzle stuffers ( cool name )
so i am going to join, cause its so frecking boreing on
your owen have no one to shoot with, at this 99% of
pepole shoot hi power and autos. So i will have to get
me a muzzle long gun.:D
Just gota thinking on the 13-22 of june sass has there
shootout at founders ranch in nm, i was wondering how
many of you guys will be there, i dont know if any of you
guys are members, but i would go, what ya all think:rolleyes: