Imagine the possibilities

Doug Lee

New member
What equipment is necessary to increase the diameter of a cast bullet, for example from .427" to .429"
To "smush" existing bullets to a larger diameter, you would need a punch & die set and I would expect it would have to be custom work, fitted for the bullets you have. Not cheap.

Cheaper and simpler is just get a mold that drops the size you want, or slightly larger and size them down. Getting an undersized mold honed out may be a possibility as well.
you could cast a few bullets, drill and tap for some threaded rod, and lap the mold with some fine metal polish to try and increase the size of the mold itself so it throws the right size, or just over.
Thanks all for the responses, I was thinking along the lines of what 44 AMP said, smush it down and run it through a larger sizing die.
Really not practical. . .
Doug Lee