I'm writing a pursuasive paper! Need good sources!


New member
Hello all, I am a sophomore in high school and I am writing a paper arguing against gun control (Not "we shouldn't have gun control", but the incoherent flaws of it) I need some good web sites from all you experienced people. Remember, I only need sites that argue against gun control. They have to be respectable and reputable. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by HKMP5SD6 (edited September 26, 2000).]
My advice is to go about this from the other direction. By looking for RKBA sites, when you turn your paper in, if your teacher is an anti, she will mark you down for using "propoganda sites that have no basis in fact" Your better off looking for neutral sites and off-line places for your info. Or, waht I would suggest doing is going to anti sites and picking apart there arguments using facts from independent sources in the real world.
No, my teacher is rather open-minded when it comes to guns, so I don't have to worry about that. I just need reputable sources.
Also go to the Texas State Rifle Accosiation - www.tsra.com


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