Im worried (has anyone else thought of this?)


New member
I was just thinking about how many democrats dont like Al Gore so Im afraid that many democrats will vote for Dole (because she is just a democrat running as a repulican) and then she will get some of the Republican vote and could get elected. This really scared me because I think if Dole or Gore is elected it will be a really rough 4 years for gun owners and we will have no CCW, forced child locks, smartgun technology, and no "Evil Black Assault Rifles".

Please someone prove my thinking to be conmpletely wrong so I can sleep better.
Its ok you can go to sleep ;)

I seriously doubt Dole will be a viable candidate and no way would she be elected by Demos. Demos have too much party loyalty and they'd never vote for Dole when they have Bradley as a choice against Gore.
Ideologically, the Demos aren't upset with Gore due to his politics, its his association and "taintedness" with Clinton....that puts Bradley as the perfect alternative.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I agree with DC. Dole is a bozo, and she has done an excellent job of destroying her chances. I've been amazed at the ignorance of her remarks concerning firearms. While I didn't necessarily admire the woman before, at least I didn't think she was an idiot. She has opened my eyes.

Actually, the way things are shaping up, there may be more Republican contenders, but from a standpoint of 'split', I think the Democrats are much more fractured than the Republicans.

IMHO, what we really need to be concerned with is George W. Bush's real philosophy regarding firearms, the second amendment and self defense.
The issue is WHO is going to run outside of the Democrat or Republican parties. The only reason Clinton got elected was because of Perot.
Gymco: The only reason Clinton got elected was because of Perot? Gosh, you mean it didn't have anything to do with Bush betraying almost every campaign promise he'd made, not just the one about no new taxes? You mean it didn't have anything to do with Dole setting out to systematically alienate every major Republican constituency the moment he had a lock on the nomination, and then basically giving up halfway through the general election campaign?

Don't make the mistake of confusing causes and effects. Perot got as many votes as he did chiefly because the GOP ran absolutely pathetic candidates in '92 and '96. The sad thing is that the factors leading to the selection of those losers are still operative. Junior has been annointed by the party establishment, and the primary process has been delibertately compressed to as to prevent any of the underdogs from having a chance.
Gentlemen :
Study your history..... Perot was the fulcrum of the Dems wedge... to take away enough of the votes to assure the Dems a win, they did the same thing when Coolidge ran against Taft, they ran Teddy to take the votes away from Taft so that Coolidge could win.

Bush is a one worlder through and through, and he will continue to erode our liberty , just as his father did before him... who was it that first banned the importation of assualt weapons?????

Our only hope it to creat a third party, not just a third party candidate for president, by having a small 10 to 15 % of the congress we in effect control the Government, because neither side can get anything passed with out the little guys with the swing votes... so a solidly unified minority can sway the force of government toward liberty, just like the Green Party forces their will on France, although certainly not toward liberty....

We have more gunowners, 80 million, than people who voted in the last in the last presidential election.... 43 million and change.....

So why is it so hard to effect change????
People don't study and learn for themselves ! History will teach you what you need to know, thats how the bad guys are winning, they know from studying history , what to do to enslave us, just how to do it and how to bypass our natural protective instincts long enough to make resistance very un-appealing ......

The sad part is that they have even told us in advance , what it is that they intend for us, but nobody listens , or bothers to read...

Challenge ... go to your local library, to the reference desk and ask for the April 1974 issue of FOREIGN AFFAIRS MAGAZINE, it is the official journal of the CFR ( Council on Foreign Relations , which they keep behind this veil of inquiry. ) In it they detail their plans for the one world government and the subjugation of the US Sovereignty.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force. you are inevitably ruined." Patrick Henry

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?