I'm running dual TFLs - anyone running tri or quad?

Futo Inu

New member
Yes, I find I can read/post more/faster with two copies of MSIE running at different places at TFL, and switch back and forth while pages are loading. Can any techie tell me whether this should in theory be the same speed as one copy (because of the shared info band), or whether there is some kind of economy of scale going on? If the latter, then what's the optimum, 2, 3, or 4 copies?
You're sick ... really sick. Seek help for this problem, and it can be overcome.

I think I've had up to 3 windows open at a time, as I scan a couple threads, and wait for the screen to come back after I've posted something .... ;)
You're not going to get any more information through the pipes any faster with 2 or more copies, but you will perceive a lot better response time since you are now taking advantage of your think time by allowing the processor to continue working in the background as you read or post items. I do this all the time. Those users who haven't discovered opening multiple threads in different windows are wasting a lot of their time as they watch the screen fill up.
Uh...I run up to 20 browser windows simultaneously, each containing a different TFL thread. It's not faster, it's just the way I like to do it.
I usually look at uhhhhh...gun sites, yeh thats it, gun sites! in another browser while the window is loading, or play hearts, or read email, or fix a drink,or clean brass....anyone else find that the general discussion room loads very very
s l o w l y ?
Call it a (alt/tab) muti-task .... the ability to process information as it comes in ... "optimize, adapt & overcome" (to steal a quote & bastardize it too boot). I have to do it every damn time I type anything in ... the mind just works to fast for what the fingers can do ... mutli-windows is the only way to go ... not only for sites but for multi-applications (e-mail, sites, play & business apps ... Oh, for the simple life ;)
I'm sorry, I can't even get it to open another one fast enough before the post comes back. Once in a while I suppose it would be quicker, but I just love my cable modem ... unless it's truly graphic intensive, or coming off a slow server, I'm on top of it.
I have a habbit of keeping about a dozen or so Browser Windows open. Explorer and Netscape both. I also use Neoplanet and Opera as well. My work is all Net. TFL is usually open in Netscape. After some browsing and selecting links - I can end up with a few more TFL windows.
When I hit 39 Browser Windows open - My PC finally gives me failures to load and extract. Thats when I have to reboot.

Y'know...Admitting that you have a problem is the first step toward curing it. ;)


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
I used to run 3 or 4 browser windows until I got DSL, no time now. :) :)


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
OK, I run both the latest editions of Netscape and IE at the same time with multiple windows. Sometimes one seems to load much faster than the other. Cyber illusion or what? And yes I have a major BB Jones working most of the time. Sure I'll get help someday, but NOT TODAY OK? (just kiddin).
Forget those outdated multi windows I have 7 monitors hooked up to a CRAY supercomputer and far as online hookup I prefer full FRAME RELAY.And for any streaming video my routing switcher system has video crosspoint densities of up to 1728 per rack unit (RU). The audio matrix incorporates a configuration in which the left and right signals are carried in parallel paths through the switcher, resulting in crosspoint densities of twice those of the video matrices - up to 3456 crosspoints per RU.
Dont have to wait between screens but dont like wasting time clicking that damn mouse buttons. haha

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 28, 1999).]
to answer the question, you won't get any more speed off a modem. but on like DSL, cable modem speeds, the hit you take by running multiple TFL windows in negligable.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
OK. Step away from the keyboard and drop the mouse. Come on. You'll only hurt yourself. Step away from the keyboard.