I'm Outta Here

I leave today for Istanbul and and parts unknow. I return around the 19th. For those of you with questions or concerns, DC will have the "keys to the shop".

For those of you who wish to take this opportunity top burgle my home, please spare the artwork...I don't think I could survive without my velvet Elvis posters! ;)

For those of you who have any influence over NATO, please ask them not to confuse my rental car with a Serbian tank.
Rich, just make sure to pack the internationally worded

"I am NOT an AMERICAN" T-shirt ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Rich: If someone offers you something called "Raki" (clear liquid in a glass...if you mix with water or ice, it turns a milky color), take my advice. DON'T drink it!
Back again...thanks for the advice, guys!

David...I followed yours. Mike...I followed yours also (though, I *never* drink anything I can't see thru!)

We had a killer time. I was quite surprised by the fact that the Turks and Greeks have police/military walking around in airports and tourist areas with MP5's (I thought only the Italians were this reckless). I'm not sure that this policy is wise unless all those Yanks and Japs learn the local command for "Everybody Down". Perhaps, I'm just not w3atching enough TV!

I was less surprised when our 10 hour flight was diverted from Miami to West Palm due to a radar outtage. I was even less surprised when the INS dept at West Palm refused to allow (even) American citizens to deplane and find their way home from there....Lufthansa staff was in favor of it; I was in favor of it; Ms. Tammy was in favor of it....unfortunately, such action would have inconvenienced the well oiled machinery of bureaucracy terribly.

So, after a 10 hour plane ride, we sat on the tarmac for 3 hours, flew to Miaimi and then caught a ride home (about 10 minutes from West Palm Airport!!!)
