I'm not messing around, price is no object - best hearing protection


New member
I want the absolute best hearing protection known to man. I want the sound from an AR15 to be reduced to the sound of a mouse walking on cotton. What do I need to get?
I use walkers electronic ear muffs with ear plugs under them. I can adjust volume of muffs so I can still hear conversation but shots are quiet.
What do I need to get?

Permission from the Federal government, and a lot of patience. :D

Suppressed (aka silenced) firearms are the best, biggest step to protecting our hearing, but, they are expensive, require the proper paperwork, and in some locations actually prohibited, rather than just regulated.

But if price is no object, then start there, and add worn hearing protection IF needed.

Good Luck!
Short of a really nice suppressor:


1. Go to Walmart.

2. Buy the big $8 ear muffs that cup your ears.

3. Buy a $2 pack of foam ear plugs.

4. Insert plugs in ears, cover with ear muffs.

You won't be able to hear a thing through your ears. You will still get plenty of blast vibrations that will feel like noise.
If something is loud enough, you'll hear the vibrations *through your teeth*. I've flown aircraft that were so loud that I had to wear both 31dB earplugs plus a 29dB headset just to make it bearable.
Why not discuss this with your doctor and maybe get a referral to a specialist. The can probably give you a good plan which may include custom made ear plugs.
Yes, I also use muffs and ear plugs plus I remove my hearing aids first. Of course if I am wearing ear plugs, removing my hearing aids goes without saying.

"What Did You Say?" :)
Personally I'm good with the foam ear plugs and muffs over them but lots of folk get 'custom', made to fit your own ears, ear plugs.

Anybody want to post some custom ear plug companies they like?

As for really teeth gritting vibrations, some heavy machinery with turbo diesel engines have really set my teeth on edge. I not sure what somebody that had to work next to them for 8 hours a day would have to do.
Even the cycling of the action is going to be louder than "a mouse walking on cotton".

Are you trying to reduce the sound that *you* hear, or the sound that people nearby hear?
I'm seeing the same audiologist that did Geraldo Rivera's custom earpieces, I am sure this guy is probably no hack and should have a good response for the best hearing protection. Think I plan on going with a pair of solid custom earplugs as well as a pair of custom digital earplugs for the solids he said around $200 for the pair and the digitals he said were around $800-$1000. Will update sometime tomorrow around 12:30pm EST

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Something that is not mentioned often when it comes to hearing protection. Think about what you are exposed to when you are not shooting. These days most people are good about protection on the range. But they will jump in the car and turn the stereo all the way up and never think about it or spend all day running power equipment with no protection.

Some jobs you just can not hardly win. Flight deck of an aircraft carrier with double protection still killed a lot of my hearing.
Harley Hound said:
Those only have an NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) of 22, which is not especially good. If you don't need the electronic microphone feature, you can get muffs with a better NRC for 10 bucks at Wal-Mart.

Let's remember that the OP asked for something to reduce the sound level of shooting an AR-15 to "the sound of a mouse walking on cotton." That effectively means no noise at all, and nothing suggested so far will come even close to that.