I'm looking for a technical definition of MOA


New member
I know what Minute Of Angle means to most of us. But I'm not sure that I'm thinking of it correctly in a technical sense. Do any of you know where I can find a proper definition for MOA?
Hi, Correia,

The question has been asked and answered before, but here it is in brief. A circle has 360 degrees, each of which is divided into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds. Think of the protractor you had in grade school, with the little degree markings. If a rifle shooter is thought of as being at the center of the circle, the size of his group can be described in minutes of angle (MOA) or how big an arc the shots cover. By conicidence, one minute of angle equals about 1 inch at 100 yards, 2 inches at 200 yards, and so on.

So a rifle (and shooter) capable of placing a group of shots within a 1" circle at 100 yards is "shooting one minute of angle". Conventionally, groups are five shot unless otherwise specified, and group size is measured center to center of the farthest apart bullet holes. (If a center to center measurement is not feasible, the distance from the outside edges of the farthest apart holes can be measured, and the bullet diameter subtracted. This gives the same result.)

Specifically, that would be a 1 inch radius circle at 100 yards.

See, since 100 yards equals 3600 inches and we're talking about a 1" radius circle at that range, we have an easy Trig problem: arcsin(1/3600) ~= .015915 degrees, which is sufficiently similar to one minute (1/60 degree) ~= .016667

Make sense now?
Destructo6, Isn't it a 1" arc at 100 yards, not a circle with a 1" radius? Wouldn't a circle with a 1" radius equal a 2" diameter circle, and therefore a "1 MOA" rifle would shoot 2" groups?
I'm not sure why arc length is being brought into this, seeing as the relation of arc length to radius is: arc length = radius * angle (in radians). Sure enough that the arc length of a sector with a 3600" radius and angle of one minute is .523599", but why would we be messing with an arc when we're measuring distance on a flat surface?

Aren't we talking of an angular deviation of the bullet impact to the point of aim? If so, then one minute at 100yds will give a circle with a ~1" radius.

Destructo, your math is right, but a MOA group is defined, as Jim Keenan put it: "...a group of shots within a 1"... Conventionally, groups are five shot unless otherwise specified,and group size is measured center to center of the farthest apart bullet holes."
So, we are not dealing with the deviation of the shots from the theoretical path (which, as you said,would lead to a 1" radius, and thus 2" grouping), but what we are doing is measuring the angle that subtends (covers) the entire group.
Then by definition, this arc (it's an arc, but due to the minute angle we can aproximate it to a line for the calculation you just did) it's the diameter of the group.
Ah, I think I have it now...

We're measuring the small angle from of an isosceles triangle, whose legs are at the edge of the group, not a right triangle whose long leg is perpendicular to the target and centered in the group, having the hypotenuse at the edge of the group. That would explain why my calculation was exactly double the value given by the proper definition of MOA.

That's interesting.

[Edited by Destructo6 on 12-31-2000 at 11:08 PM]
Thank you gentlemen.

Walter, I have never asked this before. (That I can remember).

sensop. I apologize, I was just reading along and thought of this question, and I did not bother to search. Of course, about fifteen minutes after I posted this I thought to myself: "You know I bet somebody else has asked this question and I just forgot." :) I'm going to feel really dumb when I look at your list and see something posted by me in one of the discussions.

And I will be honest, I wanted a technical definition because I am writing a small work of fiction that is very gun related and I just thought that Minute Of Angle sounded like a really cool title.
I wanted a technical definition because I am writing a small work of fiction that is very gun related and I just thought that Minute Of Angle sounded like a really cool title.

Naaaa, if there is going to be precision shooting in it title it "Second of Angle". Now that, IMO, would be a catchy title.

Larry, no problem. I have done that very thing. But you will be surprised when you read some of them. :)
> Yea, Schmit you might like the it when I'm done.

Hehehe... why don't you send me your draft? I'll look it over and see if I can provide any assistance. :D
You know fellows,it is really more of a solid geometry problem. If the tip of the cone is at the bore of the rifle and the base of the cone forms an imaginary circle on the target paper with a diameter on one inch, then every hole totally inside the circle would be within a moa. If you have to open up the circle to get all the holes in, it will open up the angle of the cone past a moa. BUT if you can cover them all with a dime, who cares about the math/geometry?
For the metrically inclined, 3 cm @ 100m is a closer approximation (3% error) to 1 MOA than 1 inch @ 100 yards (4.7% error)