I'm having a senior moment,,, need a bit of help please,,,,,


New member
What is the name given to the scenario that tested the time in which a man with a knife could close the 21' towards a man with a handgun?

I keep wanting to say it started with the letter T.

My buddy was telling me about this when he was in Juji-kung-do. He was adamant that one wielding a knife could stab someone holding a gun at a range of 21'.

I was going to see if I could google the name of this scenario for you and I ended up finding an article here (Linky) It said: "Upon impact of the bullets, the suspect potentially has another 14 seconds of oxygen with which to operate - enough to run another 210ft or 70yds"

I've never been in this situation, but I would like to think that if a man is running at me with a knife, I'm going to shoot him in the knee and STOP the threat.

...If you've every had severe knee trauma, you know how its pretty much impossible to walk, let alone run.

Oh, and btw. Its called the Tueller Drill.
Kneecap Bullseye

Good luck on that shoot em' in the kneecap idea. Try to hit a target that small movin' at speed, wiggling side by side at 15 or 20 mph. Yeah, that'll work.
Senior moments are the best thing occasionally. Mr Tueller proposed it in his training as a guide only !! It is NOT a rule , it is NOT a law , only a guide !! He is not happy about the way it's been distorted .:mad:

A BG with a knife is dangerous but within 21' even more so .
A gunny I had had us do this drill. He had someone dash towards us from roughly 5-7 yards away from a standstill and we would have to try to draw before they got to us. They attacker had a stick to simulate a knife and we had our sidearms in a standard leg holster. There was maybe one or two times where someone got the sidearm drawn fast enough to get what be considered a 'decent' shot. A belly shot from 'flicking' the pistol up immediately seemed like the only saving grace, however at that point the attacker was well within a striking/slashing range. Perhaps we need some more practice with our sidearms :o

As a disclaimer, the weapon used was cleared by everybody in the scenario each time and no safety was taken off.
My buddy was telling me about this when he was in Juji-kung-do. He was adamant that one wielding a knife could stab someone holding a gun at a range of 21'.

Like Maximus explained, your buddy is wrong - the Tueller drill is also about the time to draw the gun.
It saved a friend of mine a bit of grief,,

She was a brand new park ranger in Sacramento, California.

Without going into detail she shot and killed a man who came at her with a BIG butcher knife,,,
There was a new Assistant DA who needed to make a name for herself,,,
She was determined to prosecute Kathleen for the shooting.

Her Lawyer arranged for the ADA to go to the Academy,,,
They ran that drill on the ADA several times,,,
A prosecution did not happen.

I was relating that story to a friend,,,
When I blanked on the name of the drill.

"shooting one in the knee"? lol! I think that if a BG was coming at me with 21 seconds of air left & with only one well placed bullet or shot. I think that I would pump a couple more rounds into him to stop the threat.
Put on a plain white t-shirt and have a friend rush from 21ft (or further) and "assault" you with a big fat red "sharpie" marker while you draw an airsoft gun and try to shoot him.

It is very enlightening.

Google "Knife wounds" or go to this link and look at the pictures (WARNING - EXTREMELY GRAPHIC) while reminding yourself that a knife doesn't run out of ammo.

If someone comes after you with a knife your only friend is DISTANCE and your only chance is doing whatever it takes to stop the threat.
As a disclaimer, the weapon used was cleared by everybody in the scenario each time and no safety was taken off.
That was really poor judgement on the part of the instructor. Only rubber guns or guns made inoperable (such as no firing pin or welded shut) should have been used unless of course using guns firing Simunitions.
I've never been in this situation, but I would like to think that if a man is running at me with a knife, I'm going to shoot him in the knee and STOP the threat.

From 21 feet, the average officer on a doughnut diet can run and put a knife in the officer who has to wait until the attack begins to draw--- most every time.

The videos I've seen had the responding officer tying the knife attacker with a little practice. That's knowing to draw the instance the attacker moves.

If you didn't know what was coming, you wouldn't stand a chance---even from more than 21 feet. I saw another video where officers were taught how to side step the attack and draw their weapon. One officer who feinted left and went right, did pretty well and could have shot the attacker before he turned around and came again. Officers who put an object between them and their attacker also faired well.

Good luck on the knee shot.
That was really poor judgement on the part of the instructor. Only rubber guns or guns made inoperable (such as no firing pin or welded shut) should have been used unless of course using guns firing Simunitions.

I can't speak for all branches of service, but it is a very common military practice. Be it practicing room clearing, doing full on assaults with BFA's and blanks, or drills such as the one we're speaking of its a common occurrence. Safety is paramount as they say and the weapons are constantly checked. I'm not saying I advocate it, but it's how it goes.