I'm going to be rich!

And it's the nannycentric stupidity of the anti-gun Liberals who are going to make me that way.

Liberal groups in major urban areas are screaming about the Supreme Court decision, and they're decrying what they believe will be a huge influx of guns into their urban areas...

Well, I'm going to offer my services to help keep guns OUT of their urban areas with...

Handgun Offsets.

They work just like carbon offsets. Mind-dead idiots pay me a fee, which I will use to purchase handguns.

Every handgun purchased ties up a handgun that MIGHT have gotten into their urban enclave and allows them to feel as if they've actually done something beneficial, just like carbon offsets.

It's brilliant.
Dude, that's AWESOME!!!

Pitch it to the Bradys. If they buy it, and if you need a business partner, send me a PM!
Handgun Offsets
Excellent idea! You should take it one step further, however. Cities like D.C. and Chicago should help finance the purchase of these handgun offsets. Of course, they'll have to pay market rate and not the typical $100 or so on gun buybacks.
Pass the bar if you want to make money off the Heller case.

Just think of all the court cases this is going to create as some fight to get laws repealed while others fight to keep some variant in place. There is the real opportunity to make money off this case.:rolleyes:
Mike Irwine posted:

Well, I'm going to offer my services to help keep guns OUT of their urban areas with...

Handgun Offsets.

Brrrrrrillllllliant! Might I suggest one minor marketing tidbit of advice? In stead of "Handgun Offsets", call them "Carbon Steel Offsets". That's just a thought.
I would like to put my name in the hat...

If you decide to franchise out I would be very interested in buying one!

I am just not sure if it would be recieved as well coming from an intelligent individual such as yourself... you may want to consider hiring a well known lefty as a spokes person, they tend to listen to any mumbo jumbo if its coming from one of them.
Me too...

I'm gonna be rich too, but I'm going international.

I'm developing a man sized, portable, fully encapsulated bubble for the British. With the bubble, British citizens can go outside without having to fear all the things that can potentially harm them.
OK Mike, this sounds good. What is your stock market symbol?

Let me know when this goes online because I want to see about buying into the ground floor of the next step, the Chicago Board of Trade futures and options scheme. I figure there's another ten billion in the puts, calls and shorts, especially with leverage. I'll have to think a bit about how I'm going to structure my spreads but it is a doable thing, just have to find people who would be willing to buy options on 40,000 pounds of handgun offsets. Of course there is always the risk of one of the big traders having to meet a margin call, flooding his town knee deep with used Glocks. :D

But then there is always the insurance scheme angle, worth trillions. Gotta think leverage! :D :D
Mike, I would buy into your idea but it sounds unproven, I will just invest my money in Al Gores program as we all know it is a proven and viable concept. Just ask Igore. :D :D
Mike, you have an excellent idea and may I suggest one further step.

How about a similar plan to deplete the availability of ammunition? I would be happy to offer my services to 1) detonate primers in a controlled environment; 2) convert the gunpowder into inert constituent compounds; and 3) bury bullets, with their toxic elements, in an appropriate berm.

p.s. I'll also recycle the spent cases for you.
Mike Irwin ... you the man!

If carbon-offsets can save the entire world from destruction, handgun offsets should be able to save something as miniscule as a city.

Much better idea than the old gun buy-back programs. You could even follow the Al Gore model and accumulate 10% more handguns than the credits add up to.
You'll also want to accept "donations" from urban contributors wishing to get rid of their lawful guns in order to support the cause.
Use your "handgun offset" program to then do gun buy-back programs of your own.

Offer like $75 a gun.

Yeah, you'll get a lot of garbage and junk, but you can sell those for like $80 a piece.

And then the random really nice gun you get once in a while will more than make up for it.

Get the urban liberals to donate money so you can perform the gun buy-back in their cities!
I guess I don't understand the offset concept. I always thought that a carbon offset was a self-imposed fine paid by one who uses energy. In other words, Al Gore pays an additional amount of money (above and beyond the normal chage) for the enormous amounts of power required by his several large homes, and the additional money is purportedly spent on so-called "research" of alternate energy. I must be wrong. Because if I'm right, then your offset would require gun-hating liberal democrats to buy guns in the first place, which I can't imagine they'll do.

So I'm obviously confused about the handgun offset idea. :confused:
Great plan............

But I am already working on the ammo offsets program.....In case your buisness venture doesn't work out. My buisness plan is simple they pay me to use up all the ammo. As to protect you citizens. :D

They will pay me 75.00 for 50 S&W.500 offsets, 40.00 for 50 .44 magnum off set, 35.00 for 50 .357 offset and so on.

My plan will work as long as they don't know about reloaders............lol:rolleyes:
I guess I don't understand the offset concept. I always thought that a carbon offset was a self-imposed fine paid by one who uses energy. In other words, Al Gore pays an additional amount of money (above and beyond the normal chage) for the enormous amounts of power required by his several large homes, and the additional money is purportedly spent on so-called "research" of alternate energy. I must be wrong. Because if I'm right, then your offset would require gun-hating liberal democrats to buy guns in the first place, which I can't imagine they'll do.
If I correctly understand Mike's plan, his is a modified version of offsets that uses surrogates.