Im confused about DE guns laws

It looks like from the summaries of the laws that Open Carry is legal. This would be like VA, in places guns are allowed you can carry one in the open without a permit. Whether this is a good idea in practice is another question that depends on how the state enforces other laws. In VA open carry has no legal issues in areas it is allowed, but some states use other laws such as disturbing the peace to arrest persons open carrying firearms. Some states, like Florida and Texas do not allow open carry except for specific purposes like hunting.

In some states that allow open carry, specific cities can restrict it. may be a good resource if you are interested in open carry.

The law make sense in that the state wants to be sure persons it allows to carry concealed weapons are fine upstanding citizens. Of course in practice the law won't stop a criminal from conceal carrying and at best gives them an extra charge to file if they stop a criminal and find a gun on him.

If you read the 2nd admenment rulings in MacDonald and Heller you can see where open carry is considered different from concealed carry and due to this the states will be able to retain regulations on concealed carry, but may have to allow open carry.
Hey Big Tom!

Since you can't conceal your firearm, don't bother getting a revolver like we discussed. Just carry one of your shotguns (ala Black Panthers in the 1970s.)

You told me your neighborhood has gotten a little rough. I think a 6'+ 250lb+ guy with a loaded shotgun would rank pretty low on anyone's list of mugging victims. (Maybe you could borrow a bloody apron from the meat department to really complete the look.) :D Although, you MAY get stopped by every cop along the home.
EdInk said:
Since you can't conceal your firearm, don't bother getting a revolver like we discussed. Just carry one of your shotguns (ala Black Panthers in the 1970s.)

You told me your neighborhood has gotten a little rough. I think a 6'+ 250lb+ guy with a loaded shotgun would rank pretty low on anyone's list of mugging victims. (Maybe you could borrow a bloody apron from the meat department to really complete the look.) Although, you MAY get stopped by every cop along the home.

For the first couple of days, anyway. Just tell them what you're doing and how well it works. I bet that after 72 hours at most, they'll all know who you are, call you by name, and tell tales at the cop bar after work about that nut on X street who has all the bad guys scared pantsless. ;)

(NOTE: If you took any of the above seriously, please have your doctor check your sense of humor for signs of life.)
Tom, OC in Delaware is perfectly legal, but highly frowned upon. I have been living here for quite some time, and I have only seen one person doing it. Check this forum out before taking the plunge.