I'm Back


Staff Alumnus
Yes after 2 long months away from the sport I'm shooting an IDPA match tomorrow (YAY!)

I'm sure I'll place bewteen the waterboy and the benchwarmer.. or lockeroom attendant.

Anyway it feels good to be getting my range bag together and doing holster/dry fire drills again.

See you at Clear Creek tomorrow kids!


PS too bad there isn't a shotgun side match. ;(
About F-ing time! I haven't yelled "Cover!" at you in a while ;).

We'll have four stages (one blind, and one that I designed), but no side matches.

My brother and I are going to the gunshow after - you should come along.

See you tomorrow!
Nerves were a bit on erdge at first, but the shooting went smoothly. I didn't shoot any hostages and I felt pretty good about the whole match. What I FORGOT that I liked about the matches was the Comeraderie (sp?) between the shooters. My score wasn't all that great (nor should it be given my amount of time away), but you can BET I'll be working to improve that. Gun handling skills were still good and I only got yelled at once. ;)

It was really nice to catch up with everyone and share a laugh and a smile as well as "gun talk".

I'm back for good.

Rob - though I didn't get the honor ;) of SOing you, I know from prior experince that you're one of the guys who does it RIGHT, and therefore shouldn't worry much about your time.

One (who shall not be named :)) can cut a lot of corners, still not break the rules, and get a great time. One wouldn't do that in a real confrontation.

Good show, and good to see you out there.