I'm about done with gunbroker


New member
Haven't been posting much on this forum as there's not much to say these days thanks to the continued shortages, but I have kept my eyes on gunbroker as that's the only place I'm ever going to find certain, unpopular guns that I plan to buy and also the occasional impulse buy when I get bored and want to try something new that's easy for me to afford.

I decided to look around at other stuff not really on my list, but if a good deal could be found I might bite, well, after seeing a $450 bid for a Cobray double barrel .410 derringer I've decided I'm done with the gunbroker.

Now, I still have to rely on it to find the H&R revolvers on my list, but when I'm seeing garbage quality tier firearms selling for that kind of money, on top of the $1000 Rugers, there's a new influx of folk who were created thanks to the pandemic that are blowing large chunks of money on what use to be affordable firearms and it has everything to do with the auction system.

So, the days of me making an impulse buy on a gun that wasn't on my list are effectively over.

This sucks.
When demand is low, buying at auction is often a good way to save money. When demand is high, SELLING at auction is a good way to MAKE money.

And right now for all the various reasons, demand is NOT LOW.

There are (or used to be) sites that are just sales and not auctions. You won't find the deal you MIGHT get at auction, but, on the other hand, there's no idiot with more money than brains bidding the price up.
TT…I’m in agreement with you. Mostly prices are high. Fees have shot way up also from Gunbroker and sellers. Buying something for $50 costs $75. I’ll just pay $60 locally.

The guns are similar. The feds have really overstepped their bounds enforcing state taxing authority. I guess whatever it takes to maximize the tax paid by the little guy.

I’m sure we’ll pay double what gas taxes are once the get us all in electric vehicles run by Joe Manchin’s super pollution coal! That is if we will even be allowed to charge them. I mean if you work from home and door dash groceries, do you really even deserve to be allowed to charge? Sorry….tangent.
I buy vintage ammo on GB but prices are getting insane. Just finished watching a box (20 rounds) of 43 Mauser (Dominion) sell for $180. With shipping, fees and sales tax, that’s well over $20 per round. Thankfully, Winchester started making new 300 Savage again, so I can buy that for $36 a box.
So much of the vintage stuff is nearly impossible to find anywhere but GunBroker now. Most gun shops have tons of plastic and tactical stuff, but no blued steel and wood type stuff.
Another point to consider is that on a site like Gunbroker, you are literally in a bidding war against the entire world.

Generally speaking only the older (usually the "mom & pop" type places) gunshops would have the older uncommon stuff, once in a while, and newer places, more focused on SALES than gun service don't want the odd, rare, or antique stuff, because it "doesn't move", and having something sit on their shelf for months or even years "costs them money", and often it is those shops putting things on gun broker.

In "ancient times" we would look for the unusual stuff at gun shows, which was somewhere the people that had them brought them out to be seen, and often sold. Anti gun hysteria was working hard to kill gun shows, and was being successful, but it was the COVID panicdemic that essentially closed the lid and nailed it shut....

They've gone away, probably for good in my part of the country. The people who used to run them quit after they were forced to shut down, venues that used to host them no longer will, and frankly the people who used to exhibit and trade can't anymore, and even if they could, there's no longer any profit in it, and damn little fun anymore.

GunStores having tables at shows were dominating them before things totally went to hell, and shows went away entirely.

This was also back in the days when you could show some ID, pay cash and go home with a gun without having to go cap in hand to an FFL during their business hours and pay for the privilege of having a STATE mandated background check run in order to exercise a Constitutionally enumerated right...

We OUGHT to be so much safer now, but from what I see in the news, we're worse off than before....
Another point to consider is that on a site like Gunbroker, you are literally in a bidding war against the entire world.

Generally speaking only the older (usually the "mom & pop" type places) gunshops would have the older uncommon stuff, once in a while, and newer places, more focused on SALES than gun service don't want the odd, rare, or antique stuff, because it "doesn't move", and having something sit on their shelf for months or even years "costs them money", and often it is those shops putting things on gun broker.

In "ancient times" we would look for the unusual stuff at gun shows, which was somewhere the people that had them brought them out to be seen, and often sold. Anti gun hysteria was working hard to kill gun shows, and was being successful, but it was the COVID panicdemic that essentially closed the lid and nailed it shut....

They've gone away, probably for good in my part of the country. The people who used to run them quit after they were forced to shut down, venues that used to host them no longer will, and frankly the people who used to exhibit and trade can't anymore, and even if they could, there's no longer any profit in it, and damn little fun anymore.

GunStores having tables at shows were dominating them before things totally went to hell, and shows went away entirely.

This was also back in the days when you could show some ID, pay cash and go home with a gun without having to go cap in hand to an FFL during their business hours and pay for the privilege of having a STATE mandated background check run in order to exercise a Constitutionally enumerated right...

We OUGHT to be so much safer now, but from what I see in the news, we're worse off than before....
The death of the gun show doesn't really matter to me, gun shows near me have been FFL dominated for the last 10+ years and every FFL near me that has anything uncommon/unpopular always sells them $200 more than what I use to get things on gunbroker for. The FFL's around me are either hard into Ruger, Glock, Sig, S&W or cheap Heritage, Hi Point, and SCCY.

Very tough to get a Taurus I'm actually interested in, impossible to get ANY H&R for a price under $300, and Kel Tec I've long given up on the local FFL's to get.

Gunbroker was the only place I could escape the FFL's that overprice stuff to prey on the uninformed newbie gun buyer who has no idea what a good price is and are just panic buying.

It took until Covid for the used .40 Hi Point on had seen on the shelf of an FFL to finally disappear.

Given the economic fears going on right now we're probably on the verge of another panic buying spree.
I am afraid it is only going to get worse as time passes. I've been outside the US for quite a while and on my last trip home I was looking forward to stopping by a local gun store that has been in business for decades. It was the biggest shop in town and I often would pick up something when I was there.

Well, I was in a great mood as I drove towards the shop - until I got into the parking lot and realized that they had gone 100% on-line. They only sell via their home page - the store is only for storage and to complete the paperwork and pick up for sales completed on-line. Even paperwork and pick up have to be done by appointment only.

I felt like I had lost an old friend.
Due to numerous factors in recent years, the number of people who are willing to pay "stupid money" in order to get a gun, or get the gun they want, NOW, had gone up enormously.

The auction format has always encouraged that. Doesn't matter what the actual value is, if you pay enough (out bid) everyone else, you get the prize.

About 50 years ago I was hoping for a pump 12ga for my 16th birthday. Dad found out Seelee's Auction Barn was going to have one in this week's auction. We went there in the afternoon, checked it out, and then went to dinner, returning in the evening for the auction.

Started out about $75, and there was one other bidder who ran the price up to $125 before dropping out. Dad gave me the money and I went up to the cage and paid for the gun. Carrying it back to our seats I passed the guy who had been bidding against us. He asked me what the gun was, and I read off the barrel, "Winchester Model of 1912".

he said "I'll give you $200!" I said "no thank you". I've still got that gun, means even more to me now....

Dad later told me he had been hoping to get the gun cheaper, and in fact, if it has gone up $10 more he would have had to drop out. This is what happens at auctions. Sometimes the guy looking for a deal finds one. Sometimes not. The guy who pays the most always gets the item.

If there was a problem with Gunbroker's service I could see "being done with them". A problem with what other bidders are willing to pay, driving prices too high for you or me, isn't Gunbroker's fault.
The last three guns I've bought were online and not via an auction site. All were fairly priced even after the shipping and FFL fee.
Piping in on Gunbroker

Since I have been looking at items lately...

I've noticed (except for primers) many FFLs are starting to have most of the firearms and accessories I'd like to purchase "in Stock" Maybe your local FFL and other dealers are getting back on track with supplies.

Also, if you are not aware, with Gunbroker, you can do an advanced search and look at past sales of specific items to get a sense of going rates. I imagine many sellers run an item through at an initial high price to see if anyone bites and then re-list items at more realistic prices or lower minimums. One thing I am not sure about is if there is a lot of shill bidding, but some of the auctions I watch seem to go up surprisingly high.
I find this NOT to be the case for me on GB. I've put some nice guns on there recently that have not sold at what I'd call "stupidly low" prices (read "good deals") that haven't garnered much attention. I need to find some of these big spenders!
I just had some great luck this past weekend finding one of my holy grail guns on GB. I paid what I expected and the people I was bidding against didn't run it up, so I'm pretty happy. Come Friday I'll be picking up my new to me nickeled SW 19-4 with box, instructions and tool bag. Pretty happy right now.

Another point to consider is that on a site like Gunbroker, you are literally in a bidding war against the entire world.

10 years ago I could throw out lowball bids on a dozen guns and end up winning 1 or 2. Now I can throw out low ball bids on 100 guns and not win a single one. The chance of a gun slipping through the cracks and not getting noticed has shrunken significantly. Even getting a "good" deal on something is much harder.
I am currently selling 2 rifles on GunBroker and I truly hope that your insight is true. Bids close tomorrow.

Saying that, I have gotten 2 good deals on there. A Ruger SFAR for $1k. It is the 20" and most places are selling them for above $1100. I also saw a CVA Cascade in 7mm-08. I got on it right when it closed. No bids. Contacted the dealer and got a smoking deal on it.

I think it just depends on what you are looking for. Also, keeping an eye out for things that are just about to close. I do see, though, people listing the opening bid above retail price. They sell and I am not sure why someone would pay that. I can find the same firearm usually on another site for less. That is if it is something still in production.

My one rifle is a Rem 700 no longer in production and a Christensen that is in production. My starting price was lower than what they usually go for and figure if it is worth a larger amount and folks want it, they will bid the price up.