Great replies fellas!
Baily Bud - I'll look into that. That isn't the private one, where one needs a referrer, is it? I don't know any shooters in Wisconsin.
Warbirdlover - I'm a member at Bristol. I like the club, but their loading rules are BOGUS. Single loading only in centerfire rifles, 5 round max in 22s and handguns. I'm not out there trying to be Mr. Tactical, but I sure don't get much enjoyment out of my lever action 44 single loading it. I'd like an automatic rifle, like a Mini-14 or AR. Again, I don't intend to do any rapid firing, but I do like using the rifle as it was intended. So I'm casting about for a different club. I hear there's one up in the Kettle Moraine area, which also has very nice roads. (another thing we don't have within 100 miles of Chicago)
Kraig - The Bristol club has high power matches. But I don't have a military high power rifle. If I use a scope, I'm out, and I like scopes. But if I DO use a scope, then I need a benchrest quality rifle and a bottomless bank account, which I also don't have. I guess I should get a Garand or something. I don't know if you remember it, but many years ago, you sent me a copy of the US Army markmanship guide for handgunning. Thanks! I still have that email in my Inbox, all these years later.
Rifleman - I may take you up on that. She has this perception now that certain states in the south are hillbilly and barren and spooky. (she's a city girl from Poland) She's overcoming these prejudices slowly though, I think due to our taking road trips through beautiful areas like this. She almost DIED when I bought a 22 at a pawn shop in Georgia and the clerk let us take it out back and try a few rounds. No FOID needed, just the side of a hill and a saw horse. I thought it was great, she thought it was scary, hehehe. I'd love to get about 500 miles from the nearest big city and have decent weather in the winter. We'll see. At the minimum, I made her promise if we stay in the Chicago area (where there are lots of prospective Polish patients) that we will buy property in rural Wisconsin. (where we won't escape the cold, but folks are nice and so is the landscape)
Old Grump - One endearing thing about Chicago is our public transportation. I live 26 miles away from work, but to drive there takes well over an hour. Just for fun, I biked it one day during rush hour, getting there in only a bit more time it would've taken me to drive! (1-3/4 hrs. vs. 1-1/2) Normally, I take Metra, and relax on the train. Biking or driving on the home side to the train station, and walking or taking a bus on the other end. This is convenient, but our famously corrupt state government and no places to shoot rifles cancels it out.
Jim243 - Tell me about it! 41° this morning when I left. Supposed to top 80° this weekend. When I do get out to Bristol, the 25+ mph winds make it hard to get a tight group.