I'm A Convert!!!!!!


New member
Okay, I used to be a Glock 'antagonist'. But, after my Sistema purchase I had filled my need for a .45. So, I thought about something different: the 357 SIG cartridge... Then about the Glock... Anyways, I am now the new proud owner of a g31. :cool: D*mn, this thing is nice- I took it to the range the other day with the best results I have ever had shooting pistols (even better than my Maks.) Very accurate. Now, I need to buy that new g17 so I can shoot a Glock product (w/the same frame size) more often and not go broke. :)

P.S. Can't I use G22 hi-caps for this????

Thanks for the warning. Converts aren't usually as rabid after a couple of years. Meanwhile, I like to give them plenty of room.... ;-)
Congrats, Now head over to Glock Custom Racing and pick up one of their polished 3.5# connectors for true Glock Nirvana:)

Also unless your wanting to use the gun for carry in 9mm you can just order a Federal Arms 9mm conversion barrel for your 31 (Don't just order a regular G-17 barrel, won't work) pick up a couple of ten round 9mm magazines and you will save yourself a few hundred dollars off the price of a new G-17.

Good Luck,
I hope you are going to say how much better your new Glock is than your 40+ year old Sistema.
Glad you like your new pistol. Even I will admit they are nice.
But before you convert .....get yourself a new Colt.
You will be amazed at how easy it is to shoot accurately. It is 99.5% steel too!

Good luck and enjoy...they are all made to shoot.;)
Ok, I admit it, I took a walk on the dark side. Thanks to Bulldozer I now own a G19. Have only put 200 rounds thru it so far but am enjoying it. It is nice having 4 each 17 round mags and a 15 round mag. Would this be concidered overkill?:p
OK, you fellow Arizonans are worrying me :)

I've found myself eying the G27 in 40sw.

They had a used one at Marksman range for $430 that was gone by the time I came out of the bathroom and went back up to counter to ask Gary about it.

Maybe its the lack of rain we've had this winter, and my state of dehydration, but I too seem to hear Austrian melodies in the back of my head

Sleepy....buy zat Glock...you can do it....:)
Asleepintucson, If your thinking about gettin a Glock then check out www.glockmeister.com for a new one. Not much more for a .40 than what marksman wanted. I shoot there all the time. Gary did the transfer for the Glock and after the new ATF form hassle it went well. They are a great group of guys. You going to the Convention center gun show next weekend?