Illinois' screwed up Governor....


New member
Well,just read that the boneheaded Gov of Illinois is thinking about suing the gun makers,too. I'm telling ya........this crap is sooo out of hand,its insanity run rampant!! It REALLY p's me off!!!!!! These f'ers have ONE goal in mind........ eliminating the 2nd Amendment! They don't care about kids and guns! They care about $$$$$$$$!!! And they smell blood in the water ever since Tobacco's pelting. They somehow think theres a correllation there. That its the gunmakers fault that criminals use their products unlawfully. And you know what the sad thing is? Theres plenty of dumbf's out there who would side for them in court,right or wrong. Theres too many total idiots out there to think there would be a fair jury....... I'm sick and FED UP with it!! CALL YOUR REPS and GET your State to make a law ELIMINATING this kind of insane crap,if they have'nt already!!!
For those of us fortunate enough not to live in Illinois, could you tell us who the Governor of Illinois is? And maybe give us an email address for him if you have one.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken

[This message has been edited by Ipecac (edited July 16, 1999).]
The 'wonderful' Gov. George H. Ryan can be reached at or ph. 217-782-0244 fax 217-524-4049 thank God I live in Indiana.......! Illinois is crazy.......
Where did you read this. I live in Illinois and haven't heard a thing about it. It wouldn't surprise me though. Ryan (who calls himself a Republican) had the support of the Chicago Democratic machine against the Democratic candidate Glenn Poshard who is from Southern Illinois and had a good RKBA record as a US Congressman.

I'm really considering moving out of state.
Anyone know of a good RKBA state that's hiring police officers?
I live in Illinois, unfortunately. I just thank God I don't live in the City of Chicago, but that's basis for a completely different thread. Anyways, back to my original point. In order to purchase/posess firearms and ammunition, you have to apply to the state police for a Firearm Owner Identification card. You pony up 15 to the state police, they do a criminal/mental background check on you, you get the card, and then you find out you can't use the blasted thing as a form of legal identification! Say you go into a bar, and you forget your driver's license or ID card at home. You still have your FOID wich contains all the info on those other cards, is issued by the state police, but you can't use it as ID! Another bone of contempt, when applying for it, you basically answer all the questions on the 4473s, but are you given some kind of exemption from filling one out every time you buy a gun? Hell no! All it is is just a way to register gun owners. They may not know exactly who has what, but they know who has 'em. Unless of course, you're a non law-abiding citizen (criminal). How many of these people do you suppose have gone through the trouble of applying for an FOID?
Jeff- read it in the online Chicago Tribune edition. This guy is a Democrat POSING as a Republican! You live in Illinois,vote his ^#% out or move the hell outta there! Come to Indiana! We're a gun friendly neighbor. Illinois is the midwests Kalifornia. Screwed in the head,I swear........and Chicagos' pretty darn near the worst of the worst.........
Jeff is right, Indiana is high on the list of firearm friendly states. When filling out a 4473, about all you have to do is show your CCW number. BTW Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missuri, Kansas, Nebraska, & New Mexico do not permit CCW's. Any states which have CCW laws will honor Indianas, including Vermont, which has NO restrictions concealed or open.
See The New Gun Week Jan 10, 1999. :)

Ralph in In.
PS, Jeff, I have a son who is an LEO, & yes, they're hiring. ;) ;)

[This message has been edited by GreybeardB (edited July 16, 1999).]
Jeff, Arizona is growing like crazy, and we're always hiring LEO's. I hate to see it grow so much, but there is always room for you. :)
Thanks guys, I'll look into Indiana and Arizona. I've got some applications out in Kentucky, Florida, and Georgia. (wasn't kidding about getting out of state, Illinois is almost as bad as California).

I did all I could to keep Ryan out, but the old Jim Thompson machine runs Illinois Republican politics. Ryan also just pushed a 12 BILLION dollar public works bill through the statehouse, license plates almost doubling in price, taxes going up on everything.

Many people in Southern Illinois wish we could pawn Chicago off on someone. A couple of years ago, the Centralia IL newspaper published an editorial suggesting Southerm Illinois break away and become it's own state. That is how much different the mindset is between Chicago and the rest of the state.

PS, if any of you guys have some serious leads on LE jobs in Indiana or anywhere else contact me off line at

Thanks - Jeff
((rant mode: ON))
You folks are all wrong! This can't be! A Republican implementing gun control? Not possible.

The Republicans are our ONLY defense against gun control.

WHAP! Ouch! I was just hit by a cluebat!
((rant mode: OFF))

Ryan (who calls himself a Republican) had the support of the Chicago Democratic machine against the Democratic candidate Glenn Poshard who is from Southern Illinois and had a good RKBA record as a US Congressman.
(unquote)(stress added by Dennis)

Wait a minute. If the Democrats forsake a member of their own party, in order to support a Republican who implements gun control, then what is the difference to a gun owner who implements the gun control scheme?

How separate ARE the two major parties? Not very.

Democrats want gun control NOW! So gun control advocates vote Democratic.

Republicans want gun control but pretend not to. So gun owners vote Republican.

The Democrats then try for outlandish gun control measures (just in case it might work). If there is too much public outcry, then the Republicans ride up on their white horse and "compromise" with the Democrats.

Both Republicans and Democrats then go to their constituents saying, "Look what I won for YOU!"

And the bottom line is more gun control.

And there are still people who think we have a two-party system. Sheesh.