Illinois Hunters??


New member
Hey fellas:

Periodically, I post a thread here for Illinois Hunters. I'm a newcomer to hunting, and its hard to learn how to hunt when you're the only one in the family that likes to do this. (My family thinks I'm weird---they're all very liberal.) I've been on a few hunts (deer, duck, goose, turkey, squirrel), but I want AND NEED to do this more often!

I'll travel all over Illinois for good hunting, or hunting with a buddy.

Ideally, I want to be in a position where I know enough how to field dress my own deer/goose/duck etc by myself, but I'm not there yet. Have only been deer hunting twice, and if my gun didn't jam my first time out, I'd probably have a nice trophy mounted.

I love being out in the is just so tranquil and peaceful. I'd never go back to work if I didn't have to.

If anyone is interested in joining up, please let me know...


Hey RB, I Just started hunting a few years ago. I have also found it a slow process to learn alone. I have got one deer. It took me forever to get it dressed. I had only seen it done once. I did a lot of disecting in college and that helped some, but not like haveing grown up around it would have. Sorry to hear you family is infected with leftyitis :( . Hollidays must be rough. I love to reload and shoot. I spend most of my free time testing loads and don't get to actualy hunt much. I got to go on a parie dog hunt a coupl yrs back. OOOOOOH man was that FUN!! I enjoy rifles the most so the pd hunt was tops.

PS I like movies, long walks in the park, candel lit dinners and----

Just kidding :D
Hey AJ-

Don't know where you're located at, but if you're up to shooting sometime, that would be cool. Hard to find lots of shooting buddies in the Chicago area, but they're out there...I'll send you a private message. Please check it when you can.

Wow, it must be real trial and error to learn to hunt by yourself.Probably more error. Luckly my dad taught me how to hunt, its always better to hunt with a buddy. No one knows everything about hunting but a novice can make alot of stuiped mistakes, but good luck and enjoy hunting.:D
My cousin brought a buddie of his from IL up to our hunting shack located near Superior WI during deer season. He never hunted before and never field dressed a deer before. Well he ended up shooting a doe and he did field dress the deer, but went a little to far.(he was alone) He opened up the deer from high in the throat area down to the ass, around to the spine to the middle back. The deer looked like it got hit by a car!!!:eek: He tried!!! We did have him gut out another deer with others watching and gave him play-by-play instructions and did just fine. Now he knows.
---- IL hunter's:rolleyes:---------
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My first time out, I was with my friend and his son...His son got a small doe, and we were all working on dressing it out. Well, there was this big white pouch, and I thought "damn, I need more room". So, I popped that with my knife, and it stunk!!!! Turns out that was the deer's stomach, and I will never pop that pouch again.

Now, I just have to work on finding where all the deer are hiding...come out, come out whereever you are...


My first time out, I was with my friend and his son...His son got a small doe, and we were all working on dressing it out. Well, there was this big white pouch, and I thought "damn, I need more room". So, I popped that with my knife, and it stunk!!!! Turns out that was the deer's stomach, and I will never pop that pouch again.

Now, I just have to work on finding where all the deer are hiding...come out, come out whereever you are...


My first time out, I was with my friend and his son...His son got a small doe, and we were all working on dressing it out. Well, there was this big white pouch, and I thought "damn, I need more room". So, I popped that with my knife, and it stunk!!!! Turns out that was the deer's stomach, and I will never pop that pouch again.

Now, I just have to work on finding where all the deer are hiding...come out, come out whereever you are...

Raging Bull,
Yeah, you don't want to do that!! I sometines open up the stomach
(after it is removed from the deer) to see what its been eating. It gives you a kind-of good idea on their eating habbits in that particular area:barf: :) . Some of my buddies carry a big seringe (spelling) and extract the urine and use that in future hunts. I'm not that hardcore. :eek:
Theres no deer in Illinois.....

They all crossed the river into Iowa!!! lol NW Illinois should have some good ones. Palisades Park, Galena. Henry countys got some too, but the big guys are over good luck