Illinois gun owners, Gov. Quinn & HB182


New member
I have not frequented recently, but I just did and this is what popped up on their front page. If you are a resident here, you will probably remember this being in the news. I felt it my duty (since I could not find a related post by searching through these forums) to post about this.

Taken verbatim from

Contact Governor and urge him to sign HB182

In a strong show of bipartisan support earlier this spring, the Illinois General Assembly overwhelmingly passed HB182. This important piece of legislation clarified ambiguities in the unlawful weapons use statutes. These clarifications ensured that law-abiding citizens would not accidentally violate the law while preserving the justice system's ability to arrest and try violent criminals.

As you might expect, the gun-control extremists are blasting the General Assembly for making these reforms. The gun grabbers are mounting a campaign to have Governor Quinn veto HB182.


1. You would not be able to handle a firearm in any manner outside your own home, a gun shop, or gun range.

2. Let's say you were invited to a birthday party for your friend Hank. Let's say that one of Hank's gifts was a new shotgun. Hank notices you admiring the shotgun and hands it to you so that you could examine it. If Gov. Quinn vetoes HB182, then you could be subject to arrest and felony prosecution for handling Hank's new shotgun -- even if you possess a valid FOID.

3. Let's say your buddy Bill asks you and Hank to come down to his farm for a day and for you to bring a couple of rifles with you for some good old fashioned plinking. If Gov. Quinn vetoes HB182, then you and Hank could be subject to arrest and felony prosecution for plinking on Bill's farm, despite the fact that Bill gave you permission and despite the fact that you possess a valid FOID.

4. Let's say you're on the road and stop off at a hotel in a seedy part of town. Once inside your room, you unpack and load a pistol and place it on the hotel room nightstand. If Gov. Quinn vetoes HB182, then you could be subject to arrest and felony prosecution for preparing to protect yourself within your hotel room.

Once again, we see that the primary interest of the gun control movement is to harass law abiding gun owners.


1. Call Governor Quinn's Office as soon as possible at (312) 814-2121 and POLITELY tell the person who answers the phone that you are a law-abiding firearm owner and that you are tired of being treated like a criminal. Politely tell the person that you would like Governor Quinn to sign HB182 into law at his nearest convenience.

2. Pass this alert along to all your gun owning friends and neighbors.

3. Post this alert to any and all Internet blogs or bulletin boards to which you may belong.

If this has been posted before, please forgive me! I know I can't get one by our outstanding moderators. Thank you TFL'ers.

Concerned Citizen