Illinois Governor/Highland Park-The Dumb Goes On


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Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker during an interview with CNN.

Here's some quotes from the gov. The words are his, the bolding emphasis, I admit, is mine.

“We need to ban assault weapons, not just in the state of Illinois, but nationally.”

“There’s no reason why someone should have 90 bullets at the ready, 30 in each of the cartridges that he [the Highland Park 4th of July shooter] used, and that’s just something I don’t think civilians should have."

"And I’ve talked to police since the shooting who would tell you, the size, the caliber of the bullets that were being fired is much larger than the size, caliber and speed of bullets that even police carry with them.

Why do civilians need this?

You know the name of the weapon that this shooter was using is the Smith and Wesson ‘M’ and ‘P’ fifteen. ‘M’ and ‘P’ fifteen. You know what ‘M’ and ‘P’ stands for? Military and Police. And that’s who, perhaps, should have these weapons, not civilians being able to just walk in and buy one.

Let me explain further that this was a scheduled interview with CNN, not a press conference or some reporter catching the governor running between engagements.

The governor had time to prepare, consult with his staff, get his facts and statements in order and he flat out didn’t. The terms lazy and ignorant come to mind.
My state unfortunately. J.B. Pritzker is known for saying stupid things about guns, and has been anti-gun since he has been elected.

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I find it laughable that we should listen to the words of someone who clearly doesn't know what he is talking about and won't take the time to learn.

Too many of these people get into office not because they are knowledgeable, or experts, but because they won a popularity contest. (Election).

but, hey, what are we worried about, according to AOC the planet is going to be unlivable in 7 more years....:eek::rolleyes:
Is he unintelligent or a propagandist? Don't underestimate your enemy or their tactics.

He's not speaking to the 2A crowd. He's counting on the unwashed masses being manipulated by his language. People base their opinions on their emotions 1st and use "facts" that fits their opinion 2nd. This is why they get away with saying anything, even things they know to be false, because it's the impact of the statement that matters. Corrections made after impressions are made have little impact.
The criminal politicians like him just make it all up as they go. They are not the least interested in fact, they only inflame their constituents in a way that they HOPE will bring them votes.

So, was their actual spittle flying from his lips when he made that inaccurate rant???

I’ve talked to police since the shooting who would tell you, the size, the caliber of the bullets that were being fired is much larger than the size, caliber and speed of bullets that even police carry with them.

Apparently the police he talked to were happy to tell the Governor what ever they thought he wanted to hear.

Do Illinois cops carry AR-15 pattern guns?? If so (and I think they do) then what the killer used could NOT be much larger or faster speed than what the police carry. In fact, didnt the killer use EXACTLY the same caliber "bullets" that the POLICE use???

Same size, same speed...SAME "deadly" effects....

The "honorable" Gov is an ASS....
(not anything new, or surprising there, though...:rolleyes:)
An attack on the Constitution should be considered treason. Also, lying to the public should be an impeachable offense. Why won't these things happen? Because the politicians KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, it's deliberate. It's not stupid, it's intentional. They can't force you to your knees if you still have guns, and they know it. They don't care if some of us know what they're saying isn't true as long as SOME of the people believe it, and they can let the lies penetrate society and poison it.
So the governor of Illinois does not know
much about guns. But he does know what
the horrific results were that day In
Highland Park.
What's the mantra? Never let a good crisis go to waste?? :rolleyes:

The Governor has an agenda, and few politicians let errors about technical details (or the truth) get in their way if they can help it...
But he does know what
the horrific results were that day In
Highland Park.

I think we all know the horrific results were that day too. The IL Gov actually muddied the water with his comments. That seems to water down whatever empathy he really had since he's standing on the dead bodies to make political points.
As a retired Illinois LEO, I can confirm we did, and they still do, carry AR pattern rifles. I’ll go so far and acknowledge more than a few have military m16s with either full auto or 3rd burst features.

My agency had 9 with 3rd burst, 1 full auto and 3 M1s as well. 10 or so 1911s also lived in the department armory. I personally carried the full auto for a couple years with a 10.5 upper on it and a UTG collapsible buttstock.

Gov. Fatman is a big part of the reason I no longer live in Illinois.
OK, thank you for that conformation!

So, when he said this;
the size, the caliber of the bullets that were being fired is much larger than the size, caliber and speed of bullets that even police carry with them.

the good Governor had either been lied to and was ignorantly repeating the lie, OR he was INTENTIONALLY LYING for emotional/political effect.

were we taking bets, I know where I'd put my money, though not much of it..:rolleyes: