Illinois "Family Protection Act" CCW


New member
There are a couple of bills being considered on CCW in Illinois.

Why do we never hear of these things? Because we are so busy defending our cause, we rarely go on the offensive.

Let's call our legislators on this one and tell them to support it!

Please post this on other forums!
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We keep getting bombarded by Chicago Schemes and we never seem to go on the offensive.
Anyone in Illinois should contact their Senate and House Representatives and tell them to vote FOR "The Family Protection Act".

Added a link on the OP for the senate version.
Every person that I send this to hasn't heard of it! Why?
Seems our Lobby groups solely exist to take our dues and keep us REACTING to the gun grabbers.
Check out the ISRA website. IGOLD (Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day) we, about 2,500 of us were down in Springfield lobbying against the gun control bills and for the CCW bill or family protection act as it is called. Saw our senators personally and also went to see house and senate majority and minority leaders. So it is not like these bills are or should be unknown. What happens right now is that they are introduced every year and then because the governor and the democratic leadership that controls both house and senate all oppose them - they are bottled up in committee and die. Still please call and support them - the harder we push - the harder it is for gun control to get passed and eventually we will hopefully be able to sow the seeds to one day get them passed when we have more favorable leadership.
Still please call and support them - the harder we push - the harder it is for gun control to get passed and eventually we will hopefully be able to sow the seeds to one day get them passed when we have more favorable leadership.

Don't get me wrong Mack, I'm glad you guys went to Springfield. I'm just tired of the same old alerts: call Todd Stroger, Defeat Larry Sufreden, phone in and take this poll, etc.

Everyday we (pro-guners) are asked by our "groups" to REACT to proposed negative (to our cause) legislation. Yes, I understand in ILLinois the Daley controlled Democratic committees tie these bills up. But why not go on the OFFENSIVE and bombard them with calls to get it out of committee for a vote?

Is the ISRA more interested in job security than getting positive legislation promoted?

As a neighbor on your northern border, we have to deal with the very same thing as you may know. Maybe a change in Gov will change that?
Maybe a change in Gov will change that?
IL had 26 straight years of Republican governors and most of that time Republican control of both sides of the legislature prior to the current governor. No difference.
The Republican collapse in Illinois is a microcosm of what's happening nationally.

Illinois; 3 governors incarcerated. Next one is on his way. If he was in the private sector, he'd be out of work, on trial himself, or possibly incarcerated already. I'd rather he'd slept with hookers then the shenanigans he's pulled with his pal Rezko. Seriously this guy is such a buffoon, the legislators are swamped fighting thru his ridicules budget and spending programs, they never get to do much substantial.

His budget is essentially balanced by sloooow payment. Know anyone in the Pharmacy or Medical profession in Illinois?

Also some downstate legislatures are trying to pass a recall amendment to rid ourselves of crooked politicians. Picture a car being pushed up the hill with a rope!