Illinois Anti-Gun Legislation


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Update on Pending Anti-Gun Legislation in the Land of Lincoln

Friday, March 05, 2010

Please Contact Your State Legislators Today!

A handful of anti-gun bills continue to pose threats to law-abiding gun owners in Illinois.

House Bill 6123 remains in the House Judiciary II - Criminal Law Committee, but could be taken up next week. This bill, introduced by anti-gun State Representative Harry Osterman (D-14), seeks to create a confusing new felony offense for “knowingly” supplying a “street gang member” with a firearm. A “street gang member” is vaguely defined in the Illinois Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act, and this new legislation is undoubtedly intended to capitalize on the fears the general public has for words like “street gang” and “terrorism.”

The language contained in HB6123 is also incorporated into Senate Senate Bill 3632 and Senate Bill 3709 by State Senator Dan Kotowski (D-33), and they also may get a push next week. Senator Kotowski’s bills go even further than Representative Osterman’s, though, as they would also outlaw most private transfers of handguns, requiring they be processed through a federally licensed firearms dealer (FFL). Both SB3632 and SB3709 had been assigned to the Senate Criminal Law Committee, but have been reassigned to the Senate Public Health Subcommittee on Special Issues.

Representative Osterman also has House Bill 5480, which has been reported out of the House Executive Committee and is now on the House floor. HB5480 contains language to prohibit most private transfers of handguns, like Senator Kotowski’s bills, but removes the “street gang” language. Similarly, House Bill 5495, introduced by State Representative William Burns (D-26), has also been reported out of the House Executive Committee, and is now on the House floor. HB5480 would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one handgun in a 30-day period.

Finally, House Bill 5849, introduced by Representative Osterman, may be heard in the House Executive Committee next Wednesday, March 10, which is the same date as IGOLD—the Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day. This bill seeks to overturn last year’s Illinois Supreme Court ruling that held the storage boxes built into vehicles qualified for storing unloaded firearms for lawful transportation under Illinois law. This bill would change the law to make it more difficult to lawfully transport unloaded firearms.
This bill seeks to overturn last year’s Illinois Supreme Court ruling that held the storage boxes built into vehicles qualified for storing unloaded firearms for lawful transportation under Illinois law. This bill would change the law to make it more difficult to lawfully transport unloaded firearms.

I guess Illinois must have solved its multi-billion-dollar debt and massive corruption problems, if its legislature has time to quibble at length over the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
actually, it's been the hope and intent of the corrupt in Illinois to disarm the just and righteous. Us little folks get caught up in the turmoil and the real problem, roving gangs armed with RG-10 .22short revolvers loaded with .22lr and Jennings .22lr autos, goes unabated.
In my hometown, hundreds of people have been moved into public housing, HUD-assisted housing, and into rental homes and apartments. These folks are former residents of the Cabrini Green Homes and Robert Thompson Homes complexes in Chicago. For the most part, they are decent people.

Unfortunately, many of them are single parents with children. And there's the rub, because many of the children are gang members. All sorts of crime are on the rise, including crimes of violence, including murder, attempted murder, physical assault, and rape.

It goes without saying that the gang members don't care about anti-gun legislation ...

So, once again, Illinois moves to restrict the Constitutional right to bear arms, which the Supreme Court has decided is an individual right, unrelated to militias. Care must be taken whenever you go into the voter's booth. I even question candidates for the local school boards about their gun views. It's that important ...