Illegals Invading Canada From US?

OMG! You mean one country's social problems are flooding into another country! Hasn't this happened somewhere before? :p

I'm curious to see how Canada likes it. :)
I don't blame anyone for trying to improve their lot in life, but this Canada story is yet another indicator of some of the basic problems with illegal labor.

-Low cost illegal labor is not really low cost. It is high cost after you factor in the cost of social services.

-One of the best ways to help Mexico is to secure our borders and force the pressure to build in Mexico to the point where the Mexican people demand better government.
Absolutely, the reason that the Chamber of Commerce loves the illegal influx is that it allows employers to shift their costs to the public sector.

-Low cost illegal labor is not really low cost. It is high cost after you factor in the cost of social services.
Absolutely, the reason that the Chamber of Commerce loves the illegal influx is that it allows employers to shift their costs to the public sector.
Ding, ding, ding, ding. And we have a winnuh. The dirty little secret no one will discuss. Illegal immigration is most certainly a means of shifting cost out of the private sector to the public sector. And now Canada is about to experience the same scam.
Not the first time it happened...

July 21, 1999

We had tons of illegal Chinese from Fujiian province show up on our little Island off the West Coast...

Cargo ship carrying illegal immigrants clears health check
WebPosted Wed Jul 21
12:43:10 1999

GOLD RIVER, B.C. - Health Canada says there's no need to quarantine the
aging ship found Monday off the coast of Vancouver that was carrying more
than 100 would-be immigrants.

One-hundred and twenty-two Asians were taken into custody Monday after
their ship was discovered in the remote waters of Nootka Sound, about 300
kilometres northwest of Victoria.

The RCMP said all of the passengers had to remain on board until Health
Canada checked the ship for infectious diseases such as malaria and
tuberculosis. Officials were also concerned about malnutrition, dehydration
and dysentery among the ship's passengers.

Health Canada officials now say there's no indication of serious illness.

Officials say it's the worst case of human smuggling they've ever seen.

"Nothing of this magnitude has happened before on the West Coast in terms
of smuggling," said George Varnai, regional manager of Citizenship and

They estimate the group spent 38 days at sea. The illegal immigrants were
bussed to Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt in British Columbia. They will be
detained at the base, awaiting an immigration hearing.

At least two passengers attempted to leave the ship on a make-shift raft
Tuesday but they were picked up by off-duty Washington State police
officers, turned in to the RCMP and then returned to the ship.

The ship had no markings on it but an official with Citizenship and
Immigration says the people on board are Chinese.

Varnai says this operation has all the hallmarks of organized crime. "The
vessel had no markings, no flag, no name and no available identification
that ships normally have," he said.

Even though it's unusual for the West Coast of Canada, stories of smuggling
human cargo over oceans and across borders are nothing new.

Varnai says the region's isolated inlets and remote terrain aren't easy to
patrol and people dreaming of a better life in another country might slip
by undetected.

"I would be foolish to pretend that it's absolutely impossible for a
vessel to get in undetected, I'm sure it is possible, but we're trying to
make it as difficult as possible," Varnai said.

I was living in Campbell River on Vancouver Island, I saw a line of School buses, parked on the Highway beside our townhouse... turns out those buses were heading up to the North end of the Island to pick up the illegals..

They were taken to CFB Esquimalt, a Navy bcomplex at the South end of the Island.
Not the first time it happened...

I understand, but isn't this different? The Mexican illegals from the US seem to have the potential to be a constant and increasing problem for Canada...not an isolated incident.
Well they do head up to Canada, but they are usually rounded up and sent packing...

If Mexico had been a Commonwealth Nation, I'm sure they would be admitted..

Canadian Immigration is quite corrupt actually... Affirmative action made it this way.
Canadian Immigration is quite corrupt actually... Affirmative action made it this way

Can you define corrupt. Just trying to learn. I traveled a lot to Mexico and Canada. I always saw a difference in the border control guards between the two counties. I never knew of anyone that had the nerve to try to bribe a Canadian border guard. Well, I am sure it does happen, but I mean on a regular daily bases.
-Low cost illegal labor is not really low cost. It is high cost after you factor in the cost of social services.

It is cheaper for the companies that hire them. They make more profit as a stand-alone entity.

We, as a whole pay more into taxes to support the social services to the illegals. It is the blue and white-collar American who suffers the most. Our taxes change and we generally live on the brink of our net income. When taxes increase, our net income goes down, but our costs of living do not change or may go up, giving us less money to spend, ratio-wise. (net income:costs)

With corporations and companies, they change their prices to adjust for taxes to keep profit to the max. They can hire illegals and pay less wages, but continue to make more and more profit. Their ratio goes up (income:costs). We, as generally working Americans do not have the ability to leisurely change our profit at-will. It takes years for us to change our profitability through education, experience, etc. Unlike a CEO calling their vendors and asking to raise a price 10%, we can not call our boss and tell them to give us a 10% raise on the whim and expect it to happen.

The working American loses exponentially with illegal, cheap labor.
One of the best ways to help Mexico is to secure our borders and force the pressure to build in Mexico to the point where the Mexican people demand better government.


Madmag '08!!!!

Anyone running would see an immediate jump in support with that quote.

Well since they hire a lot of minorities from commonwealth countries, the people in those positions use their positions to get all kinds of people into the country. They also use these positions to get each other government jobs/contracts...

There is a points system in place in Canada, plenty of people I have seen as new citizens in Canada would fail the points system...

Immigration to Canada is a joke!
-Low cost illegal labor is not really low cost. It is high cost after you factor in the cost of social services.

-One of the best ways to help Mexico is to secure our borders and force the pressure to build in Mexico to the point where the Mexican people demand better government

Absolutely. Nail hit on the head there. +1.