Illegal Tie Tack ?


New member
At first I found the following hard to believe but it DID happen.
A co-worker of mine was going through the security check point at the Birmingham Ala. Airport, when one of the security personnel noticed an HK MP5 tie tack on his tie. Approx size was 1"x1", they told him he could not proceed to the boarding gate because of the tie tack. At first he thought they were joking but soon found out they were not.
The resaon they claimed was the regulations state that no item that has the "appearance" of a firearm will be allowed through the security check point.
I must go ahead and add the kicker to this incident......this guy is a First Officer for a major airline, was in uniform and was flying the jet out of Birmingham that morning. The station manager got involved and finally resolved the situation and he did not have to remove the tie-tack.
I went to a gun show this past week-end and bought a HK MP5 tie-tack just to be politicaly incorrect and to proudly wear it through every airport security screening.
Jeez, I would have thought your friend had learned a lesson when he did the same thing on or about November 8th. ;)
When I lived in Birmingham I had an assignment that had me picking people up, or dropping them off at the airport all of the time.

I always forgot, and wore my shoes with a steel shank arch. I hate that airport. Got wanded about 15 times. They never mentioned anything about my Spyderco Delica though.