Illegal Alien Madness: San Francisco lets 6 Convicted Cocaine Dealers Walk Free!!


This news is truly insane. 7 convicted cocaine dealers who are illegal aliens recently finished their prison terms in California State Prison. They were returned to San Francisco, where they had been arrested.

However, San Francisco prompted dumped them into a halfway house in San Bernandino, without any follow-up supervision by them. Well, guess what?? 6 of the 7 drug dealers simply walked free once they got to the halfway house!! So they are out loose and free in our society once again!

Why weren't these bastards deported???

Here is the news story. Looks like California Gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom may have some explaining to to about this situation:

It turns out that San Francisco is officially a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. Has been since 1989. And this apparently even extends to criminals!!

Coke dealing in San Francisco? That's like Starbucks in other places. 48% conviction rate, and that includes murder...

I wonder how they ever tried them. The general position is the aliens aren't under state jurisdiction, but Federal. Therefore, they are held for two or three days, waiting for the INS to pick them up, which they don't, unless it's murder, and then they go free.

Yes, San Francisco IS a sanctuary for illegal aliens, and, that includes criminals.

I don't buy this story, by the way. Sounds like a press release. I first don't buy that the guys were ever tried in state, or San Francisco, in the first place.

The ONLY way this might be possible is if the Federal courts grabbed them, because they were big time dealers, which MIGHT be possible, given their sentence time.

And, why shouldn't they go free? They served their time.

You have to understand, in a San Francisco school, I can't even grab big bags of grass, or have the police do it, from a student.
Regular daily operating procedure is for the worst students in the bay area to attend San Francisco schools, since no one else will take them, and take BART to San Francisco. They make their BART fares by dealing coke, grass, etc. in the city.

You REALLY have no idea how bad it really is in Kali, do you????

It's SO bad, it's comic. Oakland drug guys drop off their gangbangers on market street.
They are so blatant, they drop them right in front of the shuttle pickup for the police, under cover DA investigators, and DA's, that takes them from BART to the San Francisco DA/Court house building. :rofl:
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And, why shouldn't they go free? They served their time.

Well, if they were to stay in California, they are legally obligated to fulfill their probation period and all the requirements that it has.

Here in Oregon, though, our state does not want to spend money monitoring the probation of illegal aliens felons. So here, at least, people in this situation are instead deported.

How are they deported?
Who does it?

What criteria does the INS use? Do you have a state agency that deports them?

Here in Oregon, though, our state does not want to spend money monitoring the probation of illegal aliens felons. So here, at least, people in this situation are instead deported.

I'm sure the San Francisco folks in charge figured sending them to San Bernadino WAS deporting them...
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How are they deported?
Who does it?
ICE does it and they would take the aliens before an Immigration Judge. If the aliens have a criminal record, as these now do, they are usually prosecuted and serve further time for being criminal aliens, then deported.

In many prisions, ICE will interview prisoners that are suspected illegal aliens. If found to be so, an "Immigration Hold" is filed and the agency holding said alien is required to release them to ICE for immigration purposes. Typically, the holding agency is that who contacts ICE regarding suspected alien prisoners in the first place.

However, CA agencies typically do not contact ICE when they have alien prisoners. I've seen many illegal aliens with extensive criminal records (all committed/arrested/convicted in CA) who have never been turned over to Immigration.
To flesh out what Destructo6 said:

The plan is that when somone suspected of being an alien, legal or illegal, is arrested that ICE will be notified.

ICE will then determines alienage, legal status under federal law, and whether the alien merits prosecution and/or removal from the US. If they merit it, ICE acts on it.

So... Your a criminal who finds himself in the county jail. Someone notices that you're possibly an alien and shortly there after someoen from ICE contacts you. Turns out you're an illegal alien and paperwork is inserted into your file requiring that when the system is done with you (covictioned or not) that you be turned over to ICE. ICE picks you up and ultimately you are removed back from whence you came from.

The process for legal aliens is similar, but convictions or lack of them come into play. There's a sancuary city way of dealing with that, too. See below.

Sanctuary cities, for ideological and political reasons, refuse to cooperate with ICE. Often it is done by shielding the aliens from ICE while they await trial, or to "lose" them as necessary to keep them from being encountered by ICE. Sometimes the courts offer aliens, particularly legal ones, plea agreements calculated to make them appear "less criminal" on paper. They often aren't subject to removal that way under federal guidelines. Which is why you hear of aliens with lengthy criminal records who haven't been removed by ICE.

In San Francisco they've taken it further, by shielding them from ICE, gaming the court system, and now by either placing them within half-way facilities without supervision or transporting at the city's expense criminal aliens (illegal alines convicted of state felony charges) from the United States to their country of origin. It is outrageous and someone should be federally prosecuted for it.
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Well, guess what?? 6 of the 7 drug dealers simply walked free once they got to the halfway house!!

I think you miscounted...

From the article you cited...

Eight illegal immigrants, reportedly young convicted cocaine dealers, were placed in a Yucaipa home by San Francisco officials.

The illegals walked away, seven are still at large.
I got out of the DA's office in 2001, so I haven't been around for the changes. Also, my connections in the police department are now in law, but family law.:barf:, and, aren't up on this development, or, we haven't discussed it. I hope these guys are better then the INS, and, have sufficient funds to actually do something.
You have to take into account their priorities. They must release illegal alien drug dealers to free up their resources to harass, intimidate, and wrongfully arrest law abiding caucasian gun owners.
Gavin Newsom, or the Gav or more derisively, Ken, has modified the policy with respects to juvenile illegal alien drug dealers. Now, what about the adults? :mad: I think Los Federales should cut off all funding (social security excepted) and grants to all entities within San Francisco until SF tows the line. Lest the wackos leftist politicians there forget, San Francisco is only a city, not a city-state.
Would you elaborate a bit on that? How are they trying these kids? I know we arraigned two of them, but I really don't know how we managed to get jurisdiction over two illegal aliens, selling drugs, in San Francisco. I wonder who the rebooking DA was on that one...and, this was before Homeland Security.
I did not realize that these were children when I first posted this. It was not at all apparent. I wrongfully assumed that drug dealers had to be adults.

Obviously, illegal alien children pose no danger to our society.

In fact, the number 1 goal for any society is to protect the children.

Not sure if alien children pose a threat to our society or not, probably do. I'm more concerned on the threat San Francisco poses to our society....
Again, in 2001, we did not have jurisdiction, so we did not prosecute.

This story makes no sense. As for convictions, these kids come to America, can't find work, are illegal, and some guy says sell this stuff, you make some money. They get caught, one miracle, tried, another miracle, not deported, they didn't get put in jail, because we don't put juveniles in jail, so, the entire story is pretty much a crock of mistated, misrepresented facts. If they were tried, and sentenced, their records would be sealed, and, this SB guy is violating state law by going public with their 'probation' violation.

Very weird, and, I don't buy any of it.