IL Supreme Court--Woo Hoo!!


Retired Screen Name
Sorry, I don't have an article to link--just heard this on the radio. Apparently a ridiculous Illinois law (we have quite a few :( ) has been overturned by the IL Supreme Court as unconstitutional. I can't remember the name but it was the law that prohibited gun shops, etc. within a certain distance of schools. The downside is that the only reason they struck it down was that it was snuck in on the back of another bill, which is unconstitutional in Illinois. More details as I or others find them. If you find info please post it and I'll do the same.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

Its called the "Safe Neighborhoods" Act or ordinance, or whatever. The leftist politicos here in Illinois are scrambling to try to put something resembling this back on the books. Apparently, because of this latest action by Illinois Supreme Court, something like 20,000 prisoners will be set FREE!
On the one hand, I'm sure some bad eggs will be let loose--but if they can't be held for some REAL crime other than simply having the gun, I don't feel real sympathetic. It was a stupid law and stupid actions have consequences.

BTW, Paul, have you seen the deal about lowering concealed carry in IL to a misdemeanor? I don't know nothing, just thought you might find this interesting. ;)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron