Ignorance in Right Wing Scandal Sheets


New member
From the January/February issue of "The American Spectator"

"Daniel Pipes' otherwise information article on the former-H. Rap Brown ("The Curious Case of Jamil al-Amin" TAS, Nov./Dec. 2001) loses some credibility with its reference to a `9mm revolver.' As far as I know, there has been only one revolver ever produced in 9mm, and it is exceedingly rare. Surely you mean `automatic.'"

Paul deParrie
Portland, Oregon

Well, maybe being from the Left Coast explains a lot. Off the top of my head I came up with the S&W 940, the Ruger SP101, the Ruger Blackhawk, and the Korth.

Anyone have any others? I'm sure someone even has the production numbers. TFL gun knowledge activate!
But are all these revolvers primarily 9mm? Not everybody is necessarily aware of the .357 convertibles with the second, 9mm cylinder.

Well, gee, Art, not "everyone" is a member of TFL, but they should be especially before writing silly letters to national magazines that way they would know.
9mm Revolvers include:

French Manurhin MR-73 (also in .357)
Ruger Speed-Six series
Israeli copy of S&W M&P (M10)
Ruger Blackhawk with spare cylinder for .357
S&W M547

There are probably some that I don't know about, but it's clear that this idea has been extensively played with. Generally, the users concluded that the .38/.357 was a better revolver chambering, and I don't believe that any of these, except maybe the Ruger Blackhawk "conversion", are still made. But, who knows if the Black Panther was quoted correctly? To the media, the distinction between a revolver and an "auto" is vague. Even some military memoirs written by Germans use the term loosely. The public is simply not educated re guns. Remember those mysteries that referred to "automatic revolvers"? The scribes had probably never heard of the Webley-Fosbery or Mauser's guns of that type. What they wanted was a dramatic-sounding term.

Lone Star
In recent years, there has been enough gun development to as to start to bail out all sorts of gun ignorant writers of fiction and other material. We have automatic revolvers, revolvers with safety catches. 9mm revolvers, .357 autoloaders. and even some of the stuff Flemming wrote could be rationally explained by today's developments. ) When he wrote about James Bonds Long barrelled Colt .45 with a safety catch, it was impossible to figure out if he was talking about a Buntline or a cobbled up long slide.) Steven King still needs a bit of help- maybe somebody will come out with a Colt Woodsman in .38 special for him.