If you're 10.5 mill in debt, how do you buy a 1.5 mill house?


New member
The Clintons are house shopping in N.Y., hope they don't have to live in a getto due to their credit report--bad duty for their S.S. agents.

Because in 4 years, they'll be making (separately, I'm sure...) more money than they've ever made in their lives, and everyone knows it.

Heck, if I was a loan officer, I'd make the loan to Slick Willy and Co. Word is, he'll be making so much from Dreamworks after he's out, he'll be able to cut 'em a check to pay for the joint, first year out.

It's good to be king.

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 16, 1999).]
lets see, ex presidents get 100k per year
hilary has applied for a job that pays 130k per year
combined income 230k
standard formula
2.5 x gross income = price you can afford

doesn't seem like that gets you a 1.5 million house sounds like they can afford 575k

where does the 1 mill credit line come from?

can i apply for this program?
nah, i don't speak chinese

No big deal. The country itself is around 8 trillion official government debt,not counting trillions in consumer debt. Dont worry about Bills debt. I bet he has a bunch of gold and silver stashed away for the big crash coming up.Being El Presidente,puts him in the know with the Banksters when they decide to crash the system.
I'd have a real problem helping out a friend or family member (vis legal bills @ $10.5M) and then they turn around and buy something for $1.5M.

Maybe, the Clinton Aid deal will fizzle when his buddies see he is just using them

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Isn't that what WJ's "Defense Fund" is for? ;)

If the Dreamworks deal pans, I give up. Who knows what kind of leftist propaganda will start spewing forth?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
well, in addition to the pension that president's recieve, he'll prolly make a killing on the lecture circuit, writing books, sitting on boards of corporations/foundations... Or if you believe in Saturday Night Live, he'll be Keanu Reeve's agent :)

I believe ol' Newt is making $50,000 a pop giving speeches. if they'll pay 50 grand to hear that cheat, why not 50 grand to hear this cheat?
I'd bet we could find enough people that they'd only have to donate $1 each ... *IF* he'd leave office right now and take Al With him.
Oh, and Lucas, while we're clarifying, please tell us what you mean by "S.S. agents". With this President there might be confusion over the term. :o
If slick has been involved in one quarter of the stuff attributed to him he can buy this house with his quarterly interest.And that old hide hillery is greedy too!

Better days to be,

In the collegiate and otherworld realm of "IN" speakers he is worth over 2 million per year if he turns down the low bids. He still gets the protection for life. Book deals and the potential inforama this poison has with hollywood and mass television media could equal into the billions. Even when he leaves office- He will not retire.