If your guns are taken

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New member
So I am curios what are you going to do if the government really does put an all out ban on all firearms. Are you going to go turn your inventory in or are you going to go hide in the woods somewhere. Or are you going to do something else I have not mentioned. I personally have not decided yet.
Don't ever see that happening. There are other things more likely to happen than what you are asking about.
I have decided there will be other things that happen first before I have to worry about that.
I think things are going the other direction though. Many states are looking at outlawing traffic cameras, the tenth amendment movement is really rolling now, etc. Think about the fact that Starbucks stood up to the Brady campaign. I will admit it is a stereotype, but I bet a lot of their customer aren't exactly pro-gun. In discussing the issue we did find out a few of us on the forum love Starbucks though(I go through there espresso beans like a 5 yr old through jelly beans on easter), so maybe it was a smart business decision and nothing more.

As far as .gov overstepping its bounds I like where things are headed.
.gov being able to pay its bills is what has me worried.
At this point in time, if it comes outright to that there are probably going to be bigger problem. Like Gasoline being $50 a gallon, a load a bread being $20 a loaf, milk $40 per gallon and the stores not accepting US currency anyway because Bernanke is running them off the printing press so fast, to fund the governments deficit spending, that by next week the prices will be up another 20%.
Not at this time

For several reasons, among which are;
1) If I had any plans, why on earth would I tell you, let alone post it on a web forum?
2) This questions is basically a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, and we don't do that here.
3) If it was the law, then anything other than compliance would be an illegal act, and we don't do that here, either.

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