'If you value your life carry a weapon'


New member
Is it possible the people of Britan are coming to their senses? Are they seeing that they have allowed themselves to be treated as sheep led to slaughter by their liberal overseers? At the end of the article is readers comments. Check out the "view all" section. One would hope the Brits will see the folly of disarming the law abiding. The situation in England, Australia, Canada and even here in the U.S. (D.C. and NYC in particular) should serve as models that clearly demonstrate banning guns not only does not reduce criminal violence, but actually encourages it.
That is a terribly sad story and my sympathy goes out to the family of Mr Ap Rhys Pryce. I think this story clearly demonstrates that no matter how much money is sunk into law enforcement, the police cannot be everywhere and should not be counted on to protect ordinary citizens. I have known that britain is quickly becoming a "Big Brother" society, and incidents like this clearly demonstrate the unworkability of that sort of society. But from this I also can draw hope, as the commentaries clearly express the British people's desire to have the right to defend themselves.

"If it only saves one life..." is what you always hear the anti-gunners say. Well, if this man was armed it would have saved a life, and from what I read of the comments the people of Britain are waking up to this. I hope our friends on the island can grant themselves the right to self defence, as it seems that they suffer for the lack of it.
Unfortunately England has almost no alternative to the Liberal media. British media is nearly %100 Liberal so the people rarely hear the other side of any issue. This brave statement by Eastman supporting carrying a waepon will quickly be demagogued and swept away with media subterfuge. Now that England has been virtually destroyed by immigration there is little that can be done. England will suffer the same fate as the rest of Europe which is large ghettos, high crime rates and the destruction of their culture. Rotterdam is mostly Muslim now. London will be next. This is what Socialist governments create. The future looks grim.
Sad that.

Well, if this man was armed ...
he'd have been a criminal as well. Far better for him to be a loving innocent victim who'd been out drinking with friends, cut short in the prime of his life.

This is sarcasm, of course, on my part. But it does appear to be what the politicians desire and reading the short response(s) that follow the article, it appears that this is a common mindset in the UK (as well as here in parts of the US).

"Perpetuate the violence by carrying a gun. Blood will run in the streets. Violent Society like the US. Police are to fight crime."

Evil will reign where good men do nothing.

Life is full of tragic stories like this one. There, here, everywhere. We tend to get the governments we deserve, or at least that we vote into office.

As for carrying a weapon in the UK... http://www.canemasters.com/
...and wearing a good pair of running shoes or Danner boots.

Here's hoping that the Brits will come to the realization that something drastic need happen so that the good men and women can live their lives unaffected by violent crime... even if it means being more bulldog than lapdog.
Ironically, in the comments section a teacher cites the US as an example of how violence can get out of control if people are allowed to carry weapons. Go figure. Anyway, so much for the "give the mugger your wallet and he'll go away" theory.

Every few months someone posts an article like this from Britain with the question "Are they coming around?"

This has been going on since at least 2001.

So no. They are not. For every article like this one, there's ten overtly anti-gun one, and hundreds with hidden anti-gun bias.
It would be nice if thinks started to turn around there, but sadly I think things will need to get alot worse before they get better.