If you live in Chicago, bend over . . . .


Retired Screen Name
I expected this to be posted, I haven't seen it yet, hope that means I'm not repeating here. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/metro/chicago/article/0,2669,ART-38468,FF.html

County board approves new gun laws
By Rick Hepp
Tribune Staff Writer
November 23, 1999

The Cook County Board of Commissioners today adopted a gun-control package that includes raising the legal age for buying a gun and imposing new restrictions on gun dealers.

Board President John Stroger said the ordinance is "more comprehensive" than existing county and state laws.

The ordinance, which goes into effect in about seven months, covers 80 municipalities and unincorporated areas of the county that do not have gun-control laws.

"It has more teeth and (will have a) broader impact on controlling guns," Stroger said. "We hope it will be more affective and reduce the incidence of guns and violence in our community."

Under the new regulations, a gun buyer must be 21 years old -- an increase from 18 years old -- and can purchase only one firearm per month. The buyer must provide fingerprints and a current driver's license or state identification card and answer probing background questions before a purchase can be made.

"There is nothing that covers your constitutional right to posses a gun," said David A. Bonoma, the director of intergovernmental affairs with the Cook County state's attorney's office. "They just have to pass comprehensive background checks to get their gun."

The ordinance also bans the opening of new gun dealerships, although existing dealers in good standing could expand their locations within the county.

Currently, there are 109 federally licensed gun dealers in the county. As of today, only 10 of those licensed dealers were located in areas where the ordinance applies, Bonoma said.

The new regulations revoke the license of any dealer who knowingly sells to a "straw" purchaser -- a legal buyer who purchases firearms on behalf of a person who cannot buy them legally.

Other provisions include:

  • <LI>Requiring a safety mechanism such as a trigger lock to be used at all times when transferring a gun from place to place.

    <LI>Requiring dealers to pay $1,000, up from $500, as an annual licensing fee. Gun shops can get a $500 rebate if they purchase new electronic equipment that transfers a digital image of a prospective buyer's fingerprints and photo ID to the Illinois State Police as part of the background check.

    <LI>Limiting any new dealer licenses from being issued within five miles of an existing gun shop or within one mile of a school or park.

    <LI>Limiting the number of gun shows that can be held at any site to four within six months.

    <LI>Denying a dealer license or gun show permit to any applicant or relative of an applicant who has ever had a license suspended or revoked.

    If I read this right, they have banned all newly formed locations of a LEGAL business, propose to deny licenses to people because their relatives screwed up, and want to charge $1000 just for their license--and Bonoma even had the balls to say that all this doesn't "cover your constitutional right to possess a firearm." ??!?

    Thank God I'm downstate. Hope other TFLers aren't offended at this post of regional issues, but I'd hate for people to forget what a putrid hole my state is becoming. Indiana is starting to look good . . . .

    (My fiancee insists that I mention that these ordinances affect only Cook County, which she says does not encompass all of Chicago. If so, sorry about the title.)


    "Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
    --Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Don... don't you have to have that Firearm Owners Card? pretty much registration to me!
Of course the 5th Amend protects felons cause they aren't supposed to have the guns , so they don't have to have a card. Where in Cook Co. can you be five miles from any other dealer and a mile from any school or park? Seems to me to be a "Conspiracy Against Rights" to me...see US Code T18,Chp 13, Sec 241

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
If you live in Chicago or the rest of the state for that matter, you've been bent over for years.

I know, I was born and raised in Illinois. The single best thing I ever did was leave.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
Yes our state does SUCK. Thank God I live closer to Kentucky than the peoples republic of Chicago. Things would be so much better if it slid into Lake Michigan. I can't wait to graduate from college so I can move to a state with fewer gun laws. Texas is starting to look good.

As to marksmanship, it is not what you once did, rather it is what you can do on demand.
Sorry to hear about that going on anywhere in America. We must remember though, people get the government that they deserve. If the decent people of Cook Co. went to the polls in sufficient numbers and elected leaders who care about freedom and truth this would not be happening. When you have an area like Sickago, NY, NJ, or LA you get this equation:
apathy+liberals=bad government. If you want something bad to happen, then do nothing. I promise you, the sniveling liberal scum will move into the vacuum and take over.Once they are in there, it's tough to get rid of them.
Our citites are doomed, lets try to save whats left.
Unfortunately, Cook County encompasses most of the greater Chicagoland area, and therefore those County Board members who vote on these un-Constitutional ordinances are for the most part career politicians, not devoted to their oaths. The members from the worst parts of Chicago don't even listen, they dictate. In Big City politics, whether it be City or County government, the players are mostly dirty. I've seen it first hand.

I'll give you an example of Cook County Board politics. Cook County has almost 70,000 acres of forest preserve, all of which is completely off limits to hunting and trapping (but most of which is logistically huntable and trappable). The Board administers the management of these taxpayer owned lands as part of their County responsibilities. And guess what, because of their "no-hunting" policies, wildlife populations have grown far beyond the carrying capacity of their habitat. Whitetail deer herds in Cook County forest preserves for example are in the 300+ per square mile range (healthy habitat can support 20 deer per sq. mile). The flora has been damaged by the over populated herds to the point where visible browse lines are apparent in most preserves. Deer are dying of starvation and are causing havoc on adjoining roadways. But the County Board couldn't think of using "violence" to reduce their herds. Yes violence. That's how they define intelligent deer management (culling, thinning, killing, hunting, etc.). Policies are decided on emotions not science or facts.

Most of these characters on the Board listen to non-county residing animal rights kooks in their Board meetings when this deer issue arises, never from county residents. They think that this loud and obnoxious group is their constituents speaking.

Ahh. Government, its not just Washington D.C. politicians that have their heads in the respective behinds.
The urge of one person to "have dominion" over another (or "others") has always been part of mankind's makeup. What has changed to make it so pervasive now?
Keep in mind that John Daley, a county commissioner and brother of Richie 'Little Bid Man' Daley, actually runs the county board. Stroger is a flunky whore who goes back to the days of old man Daley. This connection to the mayor of Chicago must include the city council, arguably the most corrupt collection of political mutts in the nation. Since 1972 one alderman of this 50-member group has gone to prison following some sort of corruption conviction. This pack of Democrat mongrels is a known criminal class. So why have the feds not invoked the RICO act and shut them down?
Little by little, bit by bit, the process of incrementalism succeeds in reducing our rights to bear arms. It will not stop until we UNITE!

How are we going to do that? Some new kind of an organization?

Come on, Dennis/anyone, get some ideas going here!
To all people not living in Chicago or Cook County, don't become to comfortale. It is only a matter of time before it happens in your area.
To say I'm glad I don't live in Chicago, or Cleveland, or Washington D.C., and sit back in our Lazyboys, makes as much sense as saying "It's only prostate cancer, I don't need to worry until it gets to my lungs."
WAKE UP!! We got cancer folks, if we don't do a radical leftectomy this country is gonna DIE! It may be progressing slowly now, but the further it goes the faster it goes, just like any other cancer! I can't stress this enough, WE GOT CANCER!! IF we don't get rid of it we're gonna die, just like the dinosaurs Clinton, Gore, Reno et al thinks we are.

David L. Blackburn
Oops, went off for Thanksgiving and forgot about this thread. To all who described Chicago so well, damn right. I don't live there, thank God, but if you live anywhere in Illinois you know that everything we do is cleared through Chicago first to make sure it doesn't offend them or somehow limit their spending. It's only a matter of time--I look around my small town and I know where FOID cards must have been hatched.
And yes, I'm not proud, but I do carry and use the damn thing. All the guns in my family are registered. All the discussion of "when the SHTF" is more interesting when you realize that the authorities will know to come to your house first . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Gwinny I rarely read this forum, I think I posted the same thing in general discussion. Not sure who did it first, but sorry if you got to it first. Thankfully I am not actually in Chicago, but only about 5 minutes away which puts me in Cook county! I really need to get out of here! Ive always hated it but now have even more reasons. :)