If you had one...would you get another


New member
I recently set my hands on a HK USPC .45 I love it. It fits my hands perfectly. When I was at the store buying it another guy also bought one. Two months later while I was in the store getting some ammo the very same guy was in there trying ot sell it back. He said that he couldn't control the .45 and said it was too much for him and he wanted to go back to 9mm (wuss....just kidding I also have a 9mm). I know that the store really stiffed him and gave him almost nothing for it. I overheard them talking about giving him only $250 or $300 for it. and it was only two months old with maybe a few shots through it. I was thinking that maybe since I love mine so much I should keep it company and give that poor USP in the used case a good home. But since I already have one im having a tough time justifying it. oh well. I wanted to get a tactical also for the full size.

Any advice here
As much as you like your pistol, you must be prepared to take care of it. Just think of the second one as a complete parts set.

I own a half dozen different handguns that have twins or triplets or........ with them in the safe. Spare parts would be one justification. Mine is that I have one to shoot the crap out of and another one that is pristine and unworn for carry or ITSHTF.
Twins? Absolutely.

One is kept clean for carry, and the other may make several trips to the range before I clean it and switch. I believe in shooting both, otherwise, you will not be assured of equal reliability and handling when needed. Lord forbid you ever have to use it, it will be taken in for evidence. This way, you'll have an identical piece with which to fall back on.

Who buys guns in pairs?


Ok, ok, I do.... nuthin' wrong with it at all. :D
guns in pairs

Great question. Nearly everytime I come home with a new handgun I think "this is it, the gun I'm gonna get a pair of". For a week after, I still think that my new gun is the absolute coolest and that I want another one. It takes about a couple of weeks for the feeling to wear off.

I have similar guns in differing calibers but no exact copies until I bought a couple of Colt 1991a1 stainless commanders in .45 acp last year. One was sent off for dehorning and coating with a black finish so now I still don't have an exact pair of guns..........Mike
I did it, and now wish that I didn't.

What everybody said does make sense, but for me the other gun just "sits" in the dark corner of the safe. Still new, never been fired. I bought an Ruger P97 early last year and was so happy with it, I purchased another near the end of the year. My thinking was how many other guns are as accurate, reliable, brute strong, and has as good of a feel & trigger all for just under $400 new out-the-door??? PLUS... I live in the PRK so I didn't know what guns were going to be on the list after the end of the year. I figured I could always transfer it to the father as a gift or to my little brother as a graduation gift when he completes college... WRONG!!! The father wants another Kimber, and hates DA/SA. And the little bro lusts for a Glock 40. "DAMN them both", figures my luck. As for parts... I don't think my P97 will EVER break in my lifetime. And if it does, why would I take it from a brand new gun when I have other handguns to use (SIGs, Beretta, etc.), I would just order the part. I will probably now sell the extra Ruger. Sorry for the long rant. But with so many great guns out there, why would you want to own two the same. JMHO, Bob.
If...and only if....

....the HK USP/C .45 is really turning out to be "a perfect pistol" for you I would jump on it. Sure, you could get something else but more likely than not it might not be as great. I know, because there's been many times when I said to myself, "I should have gotten another Sig/Glock instead". You know the history of the gun and its pretty much brand new so getting an expensive HK at a used price is hard to beat.

Second, having a spare can also change your attitude about your pistol. If you're the type of person that likes to keep a favorite pistol pristine, you won't have to baby the other so much. That way you can really wring it out and enjoy without psychological trauma. "Oh no my HK's getting holster wear!":D

The stars don't line up this well too often. Go for it.
VictorLouis is right!

There are many reasons to have a duplicate of any gun you carry or use in competition. But the most important is that if, your first gun is ever lost, broken, stolen, or taken for evidence, you have a replacement which you can begin using immediately without having to learn a new firearm. The same habits, pattens, and movements are there without any adjustments.

Well, I don't own matching semi-autos, but I do own quasi-matching revolvers...

2 Model 19s, a 4" and a 2.5"

2 Model 28s, a 4" and a 6"

I do have two identical Model 38s, but one is really a friend's.
Sure it's nice to have multiples. I own a Custom BHP and have a Wickmann BHP on order. I intend to get at least 2 more. With 4 guns I should have enough to last the next 50 years (I'm 30) even if I shoot the crap out of them and have them fall apart.

Of course one of the reasons I'm stocking up is the fact that I live in Canada and am slightly paranoid that the government may slap down a new law in the future that may ban importation of handguns. If they do I want to be well stocked with several Wickmann BHP's ;)

We need to work on your gun purchase rationalization skills. Excuse #1 ("I already have ammo for it"), excuse #3 ("I already have leather for it"), and excuse #7 ("Suppose my other one gets lost, broken, stolen or abducted by aliens?") all fit this scenario to a T.

You should've bought an M8, mine would have loved a good home. ;)