If you could only have one....

What is this new device that replaces the
back plate on a Glock and converts it to select fire?

Check out www.fss-g.com

ATF hasn't called me back yet, but can't you
get a FORM 1 tax stamp on that with your Glock?
M16 family, either CAR15 or M4. Easy, cheap parts replacement. The MP5 is great, but parts and mags are a hassle.
HK G36K, with lots of them cool add on's.
A, its an HK and B it's in .223, not a pistol caliber.

Of course, as long as I am dreaming here why not the Soviet 14.7MM heavy machine gun? What can't you take out with that?

No No... I want a the 30MM Avenger Cannon out of an A-10! Mount it in the back of my V10 powered Dodge... What Could be better?

Kenetic Defence Institute
If I could have only one it would be the H&K 53. It gives you a .223 in an almost sub-gun format( it is a touch bigger than an mp5). It can give you full auto close quarter fire or works well as a permiter support weapon that gives you more punch than those with handgun ammo. Last but not least it is an H&K know for their reliablity.
Vollmer conversion Model 51.

Similar to a G3KA4, but shorter. You can shoot full power (if your ears can stand .308 from an 8.5" barrel) and the compensator works! Or, you can shoot reduced power loads but still have the bigger bullet punch. It's rare that I have so much fun shooting a firearm, and this one fills the bill! HOO YA!
Glock 18 with a folding Glock-stock. I can't imagine a situation where you would need or desire FA at long range.

BTW, that piece that changes your Glock to full auto is legal only if you have a Class III manufacturers license or if you buy it as a post-86 dealer sample.

H&K MP5/10.
A)It's a HK
B)it's a MP 5
C)Shoots 10mmNorma and isn't likely to wear out soon

For nostalgia Suomi M-31 9mmPara.
Nice to have a 50 or 70 round drum ;)
Besides russian PPsh is a poor quality simplified copy of above.
A friend of mine shoots clays with his 9mm Suomi. He loads mags with straight Vector ammo, looks like a laser beam. Pretty cool.

Selective-fire Amphibian. Quiet, concealable, and cheap to shoot.

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited 12-29-98).]
So long as I'm dreaming and drooling, I'd like my old (from Korea, Class of '54) half-track with a quad-fifty mount in back. And a couple or four of you guys, and a much bigger bank account...NOW THAT'S BY GOD ROCK AND ROLL!

Just me and my present world, I still like the old BAR. I'd get more hits at 400-500 meters than with any other one-man critter.

Of course, my notion of close-combat is a .30-'06 at 400 yards or so...

While full-auto is the neatest way there is to turn money into noise, it's still God's way of telling you that you have too much money!

For turning money into noise, how about Puff? As in "Puff the Magic Dragon".
Not first-hand, thank God, but I have seen the concept in the C-47 & C-130. You not only get firepower but a means of commuting!

Puff: "Dallas tower this is Puff. Am I number one to land or do I till your soil..."

Okay, Rich, so I got a "little" carried away.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 01-05-99).]

(Blush) OK. C-130 was Spectre, sorry.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 01-06-99).]
OK, I'll fess up that I originally go with an M2 machinegun. Then Art Eatmen's suggestion of the M16 quad 50 halftrack won me over. A little is good, more is better and too much is just about right definitely applies here.

Dennis - like the commute suggestion, but since I don't fly to work, the M16 will have to get me through the commute. Sure it's slower than a mustang, but what you can't outrun, you'll outshoot! :)
If any of you guys get maxim magazine they have a cool article (ok pictures with prices) of military surplus vehicles that have been refurbished and you can buy, like a russian t-34. nothing like a t-72 or an M1A1 abram, but it would make merging on the freeway a lot more fun. also a bunch of cool misc military surplus articles, b-52/B-1 helmets that protect the pilot against nuclear blasts, bazooka, etc. check it out.